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I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Am I imaging all of this , no, no ..... This was really happening. Dorothy was having an affair with Harvard behind my back. They began to walk away and disappeared into a nearby food court. I followed them , staying at a distance and making sure I was not seen. The large crowd made this possible , I sat in a nearby table , close enough to hear what they were saying.

"Would you like to have something right now or later sweet heart?", he asked her. " Um...later, we just have like twenty minutes to talk, Jack is coming to meet me",  she said with a small voice. Harvard rolled his eyes, " I thought you got rid of him long ago", he stated bluntly. "You don't know him, he is a very sensitive person , he doesn't take things practically like you besides he hasn't been answering my calls for the past few days.....why isn't he going to work, did you tell him about us? ", she asked. " Of course not, I have left that decision to you.....besides, he is a weird person he always keeps to himself and he is a very big slacker.....Anyways the sooner you tell him, the better it will be for us, we won't have to meet secretly like this", he said. " I am going to break up with him today, I just cannot take this anymore with him", she said. I felt a heavy weight burden my head as she said those words, I couldn't hear anymore of their conversation. I stomped out of the mall, as I came near the  front door of my apartment I realized I still held the bouquet in my hand, I threw it on the floor and kicked it across the hallway. Walking inside my apartment, I slammed the door shut.

Two hours later, I was resting in my bed, trying to absorb what I saw, still unable to overcome with the truth.

"Why did you do this to me Dorothy?, all I ever did was just care about......NO MORE now.",
Tears of hatred welled up in my eyes. My phone  vibrated, I grabbed it and read the message from her." Where are you?, I am waiting " , she wrote. I switched it off and placed it in the back pocket of my jeans. I went into my bedroom and pulled out a large suitcase from under the bed. I opened my closet grabbed my clothes and started tossing it into the suitcase. I have to get away from here, I had to clear my mind. After that I drove to town and Withdrew  cash from the ATM. I decided I have to leave this city for a few days, I was stressing on her deception like a teenage girl who just caught her boyfriend cheating on her. Its not like I was never with a woman before, there were tons. But I never cared about any of them as I cared about Dorothy, like any other mad in love man I always dreaded for the day when she would walk out on me.

I kept driving till dusk , I had left the city and was in the outskirts , tearing through the empty road. Darkness spread across the sky, I pulled the car in front of a house , walking up to the front door I knocked on it. My brother Joseph opened the door and greeted me with a hug. I asked him if I could crash in his place for a few days and he agreed, as I lay in my bed at night I was feeling much better than before. I finally made up my decision, I was going to confront Harvard.


It was Eleven pm, I walked towards the entrance gate, the guard talked on the phone with Harvard he allowed him to let me enter,I walked in and went straight to his office, he was sitting by his desk and looked up at me when I came in. This man was so shameless, he was dating my fiance and giving me such a hard time.......I wanted him to pay for what he had done. I called him this afternoon and told him that I wanted to meet him alone and he said he will meet me here at this specific time. "Well,well ...you finally decided to show up?", he said mockingly. " From the look on your face I guess you know everything about me and Dorothy", he continued. "Why are you doing this?", I asked him sternly. " Because I am not a loser like you, I date the most finest women and Dorothy is just another masterpiece in my collection", he said getting up from his seat. " So, that's just it ....you will get what you want from her then just discard her just as the same manner you have discarded other women...I am going to give you one more chance to back off", I said clenching my teeth in anger. He chuckled at my statement, " You really don't get it do you, she doesn't love you that's why she came to me, she would've told you about us long ago but she didn't want to break your pathetic little heart. Women like her wants to be with someone who is well of not a struggler like you....you know what I will give you a chance to back off , just forget about her, think that a girl named Dorothy never came into your life and I will give you a promotion. In fact I have the promotion letter ready for you, here have a look", he said while handing the letter to me. I took it from him and looked through it.What do you say?", he asked staring at me waiting for me to agree. I couldn't take anymore of this I placed my right hand into my coat pocket and clasped the pistol.  I was about to take it out when we heard a loud crashing noise outside. Both of us looked into the direction where the noise came from. Without saying a word Harvard went out of his office to take a look, I went after him. He turned the light on for the entire office that's when I saw him.

A crazed man stood in the room he was six feet tall, wore a black coat and held a bloody Axe. Harvard stared hard at him and then widened his eyes as he recognized the person. "David , what are you doing here?", Harvard asked in fear. The stranger stared at him and drew his Axe towards his chest all of a sudden ran towards him , within seconds he was hacking away Harvard with his Axe. I ran into my cubicle and hid under the table, I could hear Harvard's dreadful screams then I heard shattering of glass. Finally it became silent and I saw him limping and entering my office. He was covered in blood , his grey suite was completely drenched red, stumbling clumsily onto the cabinet he brought it crashing on the floor and scattering the files. At the same time he kept staining the wall and furniture's with his hands as he tried to stand straight. The crazed stranger appeared on the doorway pieces of glass was stuck on his face and he was bleeding."No,  please  don't  do  this  I  am  sorry  really  sorry ....le......let  me  go",  Harvard begged, but this had no effect on him and he came near and started slashing away on his body. Seeing an opening I ran out of the building and saw the guards lying in their own pool of blood. I ran into my car as I got in, I saw the man dragging Harvard out of the building and slamming him hard on the pavement. When he turned around and stared at me it was enough for me to drive off at high speed.


I finished the presentation on my new project, the investors were extremely happy with the results, after all I had worked so hard on it. As they left I went into my office and sat on my chair. I recalled the happenings of that night three years ago...

As I drove off and reached my house, I called the police when they reached the crime scene that mad man was still hacking Harvard's body even though when he was dead. They arrested him and sealed the area. I was called in for questioning and was asked why I came so late at night, I explained that he was free at the specified time and he wanted to discuss about my promotion and showed them the promotion letter which I had. They had looked through the survalence camera recording, thankfully me and Harvard had our backs towards the camera so our faces were not visible and also the camera had no audio recording. So they could not lip read or hear our conversations of that night....and thank god I didn't pull out my pistol from my coat pocket. I got my promotion and handled my job very well, seeing my success Dorothy begged me to take her back but I refused.

As for the crazed murderer David was known to be Harvard's colleague during his college days and stayed buddies even after college, when David was married, Harvard who was in vain of his habits went out with his wife. David had killed his wife on the same day at morning when he killed Harvard. I sighed in deeply..... He fulfilled his intentions before me.

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