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[ E D I T E D ]

I woke up to the other side of the bed being dipped, then back to normal. I open my eyes to see my baby Lukey standing up and stretching, making his- my shirt rise up, letting me see his cute little butt and when he turned, his adorable little tummy.

This boy fucks me up in more ways than one.

I bite my bottom lip and watch his ass while he walks out of our bedroom. That's odd, I think. Luke typically doesn't get up until I do, and we always have breakfast together.

I get up and follow his steps into the kitchen, and see him mixing pancake batter, and adding a bit more chocolate chips than he's supposed to.

"Morning cutie. Isn't that a lot of chocolate?" I pipe up, scaring Luke and making him drop the entire bag in the batter.

"Oh! Sorry daddy. Did I wake you up? And oh no," he starts to fake a sad voice, "the whole bag fell in. Guess that means we have extra chocolate chips. Poor us."

I chuckle. He's such a character, sometimes.

"It's fine, you didn't wake me up. And go ahead and put some more pancake batter in there. I'll call Calum and Ashton over and they can have some too. You don't need half a bag of chocolate chips."

I pull my phone out and called Ashton.

Luke whined, "But daddy-"

"Hey Mike, what's up?" Ashton finally answered the phone.

"Hey Ash! We accidentally put too many chocolate chips in our pancakes and so we're making more. You and Cal want to come over and have some?" I look over at Luke, and he's pouting while pouring more of the pancake batter mix in with the rest.

"Uh, sure. Cal is still asleep, so I'll have to wake him and get him ready. He's been real deep in his headspace lately, ya know?"

Calum and Ashton are in a petplay relationship. It's actually really cute seeing Cal act like a little puppy while playing with my baby Luke.

I nod my head. "Yeah, understandable. Well, I guess I'll see you soon, then?"

Ashton chuckles. "Yeah, I'll see you. Bye Mike!"

I say bye, and we hang up.

"Okay, baby. Calum and Ashton are coming over soon. I'll start cooking those and some bacon. You wanna make some orange juice and some chocolate milk?"

Luke nods his head, now excited for his (and my) best friends to come over. "Okay, daddy! I'm gonna make really good chocolate milk!"

I sigh, knowing it probably wasn't a good idea to have Luke make the pitcher of chocolate milk. "Baby, don't use the whole thing of chocolate. If you do, I won't buy anymore for a long time."

Luke sighs but continues getting the stuff out for the juice and milk.

Soon I hear the front door open, and Ashton and Calum walk into the kitchen where I was (Luke had left the room a while ago), Calum being held by Ashton and half asleep.

"Morning guys. Thanks for inviting us." Ashton spoke, then kissed Calum's forehead and sat him on the floor where he just sat on Ashton's feet, his head leaning on Ashton's legs, and his eyes closed.

"Morning. I can see somebody's a little tired, huh?" I say chuckling.

I flip the last pancake, making it land in the pan with no problem.

Ashton laughs his infamous laugh. "Yeah, we stayed up a bit late last night." Calum smirked slightly from his spot on the floor and his face became red.

I laugh, "I see. Well, make yourself at home, I suppose. I'm about done. I'm not sure where Luke is, though. He left after making some chocolate milk and orange juice."

Ashton nods and sits down at the table, getting on his phone and probably stealing my wifi. Which is fine, because Luke and I do the same thing at his and Calum's house.

Calum just followed Ashton, climbing into his lap and snuggled into him. After Calum sighed in content, Ashton pressed a small kiss to his temple.

I turn back to the stove, removing the pancake and putting it onto a bigger plate with the rest and I smile. My friends are so adorable sometimes.

I'm honestly surprised Calum is being so quiet. It must be his headspace, because even tired Calum is crazy and always makes inappropriate jokes that Luke never understands.

After I place everything on the table, I call for Luke. "Lucas!" I yell. "Ash and Cal are here and breakfast is ready! Come on!"

I sit down and hear Luke's footsteps rushing down the stairs. "Hi Cally! Hi Ashy! Hi daddy! I'm hungry!"

We all laugh, and dig into our food. Luke is such a spaz sometimes, but he's my little spaz, and I love him just the way he is.

High key loving this book again, and I'm sorry for this late ass update!
I lost my internet and didn't get it back until recently:))

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