4 || potter's mouth

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Someone cleared their throat at a rather high decibel, almost resembling a loud squeak. The class of Gryffindors and Slytherins turned around in their seats to get a look at the noise's source.

She stood with her hands folded in front of her. A light pink blouse covered a darker pink dress. A pink bow sat in her brown curls. Her fingers were bedazzled with pink rings and as she began walking up through the students to the blackboard, her pink heels clicked aggressively.

"This year, we will be preparing you for your O. W. L.'s, more commonly known as OWL's." She accentuated each letter as the chalk magically scrawled 'Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations' in an overly fancy font.

Professor Dolores Umbridge was just as pink and fake as the from the Sorting Ceremony from two days ago. Her beady blue eyes scrutinized her prospective students from the front of the classroom. Anastasia was disgusted with the lady who was going to instruct her and her pupils at something no frilly, magenta-clad woman should. She wished that Professor R. J. Lupin or Professor Moody had lasted long enough because despite Lupin being a werewolf and Moody not actually being Moody, Anastasia had learned a lot. This perfumed pig would never measure up to them.

Professor Umbridge sent around stacks of books that would somehow teach the students to defend themselves from the "nothing that was out there". It was only then that the notoriously smart witch Hermione Granger raised her hand and asked about the book, that the famous Harry Potter began to mouth off about Cedric Diggory.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge said too sweetly.

Harry just wasn't having that because he then brought up Voldemort's return. Anastasia noticed that Theodore had immediately tensed up at Potter's mention of that event. Even Draco looked wary.

"Detention, Mr. Potter!" Professor Umbridge roared finally having surpassed her patience with the Chosen One.

No one said a word for the remainder of the class. Anastasia worked quietly out of her new textbook but kept glancing over and Theodore who still hadn't relaxed. His brow was furrowed and he was glaring at the worksheet he was supposed to be filling out. Normally, Theo would be laid back in his seat, talking to her or asking for answers from sheer laziness. Anastasia observed her friend carefully as she completed her worksheet. It wasn't like him to be bothered by something Potter would say. Perhaps it was Umbridge repeatedly denying the Dark Lord's return when he knew the truth. It also could be his father but Anastasia didn't dare break the icy silence that had settled over everyone.

Eventually, class drew to an end and Umbridge collected the worksheets with a flick of her wand. Theodore hadn't written a thing down, not even his name but he didn't care. He left with that scowl etched deep into his face before Ana had packed up her bag. She worried about him all through Herbology and Care Of Magical Creatures because he skipped out of both those classes. He wasn't at lunch and didn't show up to Transfiguration. They both had a free period at the end of the day so Anastasia slipped through the throng of students until she reached the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room. She paused, nerves getting the better of her before she entered. The room was void of Slytherins and the green tint from the lake cast an eerie feeling throughout the room. Anastasia sank into the nearest armchair and speculated that he was in his dormitory. Knowing she couldn't visit him, she pulled out the Transfiguration essay set by Professor McGonagall and constructed her introduction into wordless transformations.

Not long after she had completed the introduction, the sound of a door opening and footsteps captured her attention. Sure enough, Theodore came down into the Common Room looking bleary-eyed.

"Theo?" Ana stood, pushing her homework aside and approached him. "Where have you been all day?"

"Nowhere—here—I just. . ." He paused to rub his face and sigh.

"Was it Potter?" She asked gently.

"Yeah, I haven't heard from my dad since he dropped me off at King's Cross. I know it's only been a few days but I'm worried," Theo explained.

"I'm sure he's safe," Ana tried consoling him. "Have you thought about owling him to find out?"

"I sent one after Um-bitch's class and haven't heard anything yet," was his tired reply.

"I'd give it a couple more days, I'm sure he's fine," Anastasia repeated the last part with assurance.

The scowl left Theo'a face slowly and he seemed to relax. The two sat down on the couch in quiet contemplation before Ana started back at her essay and Theo fell asleep next to her.

An hour later, classes officially ended and Slytherin students poured into the Common Room with their friends. Dinner was soon and everyone was complaining about Umbridge. Ana convinced Theo to go to dinner and he even joined in the colorful complaints of the professor. They ate with Blaise and Tracey and found out she had given detentions in both of their classes too. If Umbridge had a good side, Anastasia was determined to get on it in order to avoid an "after dinner date" with the newer professor.

Instead, their after dinner time was spent outside by the lake. They lounged about talked about nothing in particular. Tracey had a new crush, Blaise had a new broomstick, and Theodore was already behind in homework. Anastasia failed to mention Hannah to her friends. She feared they would reject her for wanting to be friends with a Hufflepuff. But was it just friendship she wanted? Anastasia found herself watching the girl during meals and thinking about her when she should be focusing on schoolwork. It felt unnatural to her, borderline wrong. Girls were only ever supposed to be friends. Girls were only ever supposed to fall in love with boys.

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