Chapter One - What's At Sake

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            A brisk wind had blown from the golden sunset, which would have been absolutely magnificent as the shine was so treasurful if it hadn't been hued with the awful color of crimson that specific day, to the forest filled with aesthetic, precious trees making their beautifully bloomed flowers, that were scattered within the leaves, fly along the wind as a sorrowful dance for the day that was now coming to an end which evidently seemed like the end as thick flowing scarlet blood pored from his comrades collapsing bodies whilst they laid in their own pool of  oozing glistening vital fluid. The once pleasant scent of air was now coated with the viscous odor of rotting flesh eating itself up until it would be able to reach the bone as there was also an immense smell of feces from the fallen soldiers. Soon, a horrific visual of darkness had began to creep in as the frightful moon began to rise from the horizons making the wind blow more rapidly as the trees now began to sing a dreadful song to the only remaining Konoha Jounin soldier on the battlefield of the S-ranked mission he had been assigned to. His fear filled sky-blue eye widened from the gruesome & sickening image of bodies separated, but their wine red blood with that oddly weird metalic scent, by now, had encountered one another and decided to share the same pool as the earth below the remaining ninja's feet was completely covered from the distasteful crimson fluid making his shoes bottoms soggy, which was the least of his worries as of now for he himself was critically & vitally injured as his cloths were drenched coloring certain areas, where his open wounds had remained, a slight copper, reddish pigment.

          As his enemies from another known village began circulating around him planning on taking him out all together being since they knew his strengths, Kakashi began getting light headed from the amount of blood he had lost within the time wasted trying to think of a plan to escape which almost seems tragically impossible at this state making him feel as if he couldn't endure anymore pain mentally & physically being since he was pitying himself thinking that he's weak, worthless to the team of soldiers he had let down in this mission, to Konoha itself. It's not like he had never done this before, freezing up in pity, in anguish as it filled him with so many emotions that he could hardly bare. No. He couldn't possibly count how many times he stiffened in the middle of battle while everyone around him was at sake, while his own life terribly was as well. As the enemy drew nearer by each minute, Kakashi had soon acquired a memory, a memory that he yearns to forget even though years had already past from the cruel, disgusting event that had left Kakashi traumatized ever since he was just merely becoming a teenager all those years ago. Soon, Kakashi's eyelids began to fail him as they grew immensely heavy. He thought this was the end, his end as he didn't fight to keep them open any longer, knowing he could die at any moment being since he lost so much blood already. He would accept death if it crept up from behind him.

         His vision was pitch black as if he were under the night sky, his ears were ringing only being able to hear what seemed like soft gentle murmurs at first. "Where am I?" was the only thought that had came to his mind being since his head was, for some reason, aching terribly making him groan out in pain as he whimpered slightly. He then placed his right hand onto the area that left him with a terrible soreness before hissing at the irritation it gave him and pulled his hand away before slowly holding it out to see what liquid was now upon his palm. He then grew wide eyed, being able to visualize the red fluid he despised so much. His hand soon began to tremble before a flash of light had burst. He had been woken up. His vision was horribly blurry as the sudden light had blinded him; he felt movement within the vibrations of the earth he had laid upon trying to gain consciousness once again before the once murmurs had grown into cries for him to wake up as the ringing grew less present but crashing of rock had stormed into his hearing, making him sit straight up in seconds. To his surprise, Kakashi saw his dear old friend Rin Nohara up & alive! He had soon realized that she had been shaking him to wake up,for who knows how long,as tears fled through her eyes. His eyes lightened up as he, for the first time for so long, was again happy. However, the pleasant moment had not lasted. The burning question of where he was did not linger anymore, he recalled exactly where he was as the boulders were no longer crashing down onto the ground near where they were. He hesitantly looked over his shoulder in a slow motion, unwilling to see what he knew would be the image, but you can't change memories. Tears began to ooze out from his eyes as he cupped his mouth in shock from what he saw. A figure who had threw away his own life to save his miserable one, the one who had always claimed that he hated him saved his life, a true hero who is no longer with him today because of his own incompetents as the figure laid motionless half crushed under a boulder. 

        Kakashi can't let his hero's death in vain

        Kakashi's eyes sprung open before gasping for air since the disturbance of the horrendous memory remained until he finally consoled himself from that oh so terrible nightmare that was once his reality. He felt his cheeks wet from tears that had before streamed down his eyes, so he wiped them off his smooth scarred skin with his sleeve prior to him glancing at his blood covered knuckles, then he twisted his wrist to look at his palm witnessing a few cuts pausing for a brief moment to process what's happening, but then, His eyes lit up once again, not with exhilaration but with rage as he was furious with himself for abusing what his hero had saved  all those  years ago with these thoughts, with the harmful memories he made himself endure. Suddenly, a rush of adrenaline spurred in Kakashi's veins making him finally see the two decisions he could choose upon. He had the choice to stay where he was and be found by the enemy, who were lustful for his blood, or he could go now while they're distracted searching for him in other near areas of the forest though the trees covered him making the place he was at excellent for hiding. He finally came to a settlement, clenching his hand into a fist that shook with bitterness as he stood up to ready himself to attempt to return to freedom of his home village that was not too far from where he was. He inhaled deeply as a preparation & to relieve himself from all the stress that was piling on top of his chest, giving him great satisfaction when he sighed letting go of all regret, all torment for the time being. Then, for a brief moment, everything froze, he closed his eyes for an abrupt moment getting into his comfort state of mind before finally quickly opening his eyes once again and darting the direction towards Konoha. 

        Kunais flew through the air, all aiming at Kakashi as he was sprinting for his life, sometimes using his own to deflect most of the ones coming right towards him to either slow him down or to end him once and for all, which Kakashi couldn't allow to happen. He then began to get risky as he was now  skipping upon tree branches which some seemed durable enough to hold his weight but most did not, however, at this rate he received a glimpse of the village that was just up ahead, so he jumped back off of the trees and back onto the slightly rough dirt, dodging the enemies attempt of stopping him. Except one of the shots thrown from one of the enemies had succeeded to puncture Kakashi's thigh, adding another open wound to the collection he had already scattered across his body making him finally collapse just like his comrades who's bodies are still rotting as the terrible odor was still present being since it was so strong. He began moaning out in pain feeling the scarlet fluids stream down his leg as his body began to feel strangely very cold. He shivered as his breath grew heavy being since more blood was being lost from his body, making him feel suddenly so tired, so weak again as he couldn't move any of his limbs while his vision slowly but surely began to get blurred, his hearing was very faint, and all he could make out were foot steps approaching closer & closer as he saw them stop right in front of him. Though this mysterious figure wasn't wearing the proper uniform given to the enemies he had seen before. No. It had seemed as if he were wearing a black hooded cloak as he hid his face from being seen by the other.  Then Kakashi closed his eyes slowly giving in on falling unconscious from loss of blood.

        The mysterious figure made a low growling noise as he was covered in freshly splattered blood that didn't seem like his before crouching down to have a better sight of the unconscious man who laid upon the coarse ground making pained noises in his rest. The cryptic man gazing at the fallen body carefully brushed the other's bangs out from his face, gently sliding his headband off that had a carving of a lead in the middle as the symbol of Konoha before scanning the scar that was over the smaller man's left eye, making the strange figure growl once more deep within his throat lightly outlining the scar with his thumb. After he had had enough observation of the other, the dark figure thoughtfully & oh so delicately lifted Kakashi off from the ground with ease, holding him in a very pleasant position so he wouldn't be bothered. Then, Kakashi soothingly snuggled in the figures arms, letting him know that he was pleased with the comfort he had earned. He then began to walk steadily, wondering if he should return him to his village. Finally making his decision, the mysterious figure curried Kakashi back into the village making sure nothing bad would happen to him on their travel back. 

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