Chapter 3

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You watched as Dean and, what you assumed was, Sam chat for a little bit. You were almost watching them wide-eyed. You never believed that you would met them. Meet him.

You had heard so many things about him. Good things. And bad things.

And in fact you were hoping to meet him from one aspect but from the other not really. And you didn't want to because you knew that something like this would happen. You knew. And that exactly happened. You fell for him.

How could you be so stupid. How could you fall for a jerk, for a jackass like him. Yet he just didn't seem the way Bobby and all the others had described him. Yeah he was flirty and you could obviously see that but he looked... sincere and sweet,too.

Those green eyes just couldn't make you think that he was the person everyone had told you about. You just couldn't think or find anything bad about him. You just couldn't.
Huge mistake.

"So what are you gonna do?" you heard Sam ask which brought you to the present.

"I'll stay so give Bobby, Ellen and Jo my greatings." he said getting ready to sit again but his brother didn't let him and asked him again.

"What do you mean? When are you gonna come?" he questioned frowning.

"Uh obviously.." he said looking at your way giving Sam a sign "Not tonight Sammy" he said winking at you a smirk playing on his lips.

'Yep definitely a jerk-ass' you thought.

"Well we'll see that preatty face" you mumbled but he somehow heard and turned to look at you with that smirk again plastered on his face.

"Said anything beautiful?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Yeah biggest flirt ever. That was for sure.

"Uhm nothing" you said smiling sweetly. Well you could play that game too after all.

He closed one eye and turned to tell something to his brother that you actually didn't catch and in fact you didn't want to, considering Sam's dissaproving face. 

"Ok do whatever you want Dean. There is no point in talking to you since you never listen. I'll see you at Bobby's" Sam said sighing and with that he just left.

"So were where we?" he said turning to you with an even bigger smirk that you now more than ever wanting it to remove it from his handsome face.

The only problem was that you couldn't do so, the way you wanted to. Only in the oposite one. But you had to. He had to take a lesson and you had to give it to him no matter how much you wanted to do something else.

'Snap out of it!' you told youreself and smiled at him confidently. You sure as hell were not gonna let him make you show him how you felt.

"At the part where you were telling me what you need" you smiled a little bit seductively and his smirk grew into a full smile. 

"Oh I do need a lot of things that I think you can help me with" he leaned more to get closer as you did.

"Well first of all how about getting two cold beers for me and you. I'm buying." he winked once again.

"As you wish" you winked too and went to get the cold beers from the fridge behind the corner. Meanwhile swaying your hips in the procces, as your heels ckliked with every step you took, and you looked back to see Dean staring at your back and well maybe even lower and licking his lips. 

You turned the corner and took a second look at Dean. He was biting his lip, a smile even threating to spread on his face, while his eyes were shining with exitement, for what he might thought was about to come, and lust.

And you just chuckled a little and turned the corner to get the beers. As you could hear him say "What a woman!".

Yep definitely had gotten the bait. Perfect.

Dean WinchesterxReader-Not falling for youWhere stories live. Discover now