Chapter 4

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After about a few minutes you retuned with two cold beers on your hands.

You approached him and gave him his beer while still holding yours.

After you both took a sip of your drinks he spoke first.

"So what is pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" he asked his eyes scanning you from top to bottom as you placed some glasses on the right places.

"Well you know making a living, ends meet just so I can get by, you know." you answered having put the last glasses on their places.

"Hmm and what about when you get out of here?" he asked again. And you should be an idiot if you didn't get where he was going it.

"Oh you know go a home like a good little girl I am" you said almost sarcastically.

"Alone?" he asked once again.

"Well it depends" you said making him think that you were flirting and you thought about the same thing he was.

"On?" he asked coming closer to you.

"On the company" you said getting closer to him, too. Smirking when he smiled too.

"Hmm so what you're thinking. You will be going home alone tonight" he said your faces now almost a few inchees apart.

"Well who knows... Maybe yes.... maybe no" you said resting your chin on your palm.

"Well I do think yes" he said and you just shrugged, holding the urge to roll your eyes.

'Could he be more lame. Agh!' you thought to yourself.

"So what you sayin' ?" he asked and took a sip from his drink as you did so.

"About what?" you said wanting to play it innocently.

He chuckled.

'Oh no no. Don't chuckle not now' you thought as you felt your knees go weak at the sound of his soft laugh.

"Well..." he started and leaned closer "You... me... later... your place" he said smirking and imidiately turning into his jerk-y self.

"Well I have a better idea." you smiled mischievously and leaned closer too.

"Me..." you started and he smiled even more "Later... my place... alone" you finished but the smile still hadn't left from his face.

"Hard, huh?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh no how did you ever thought about such a thing" you said sarcastically.

"You're not just my type" you said and drank from your beer.

"Babe, I'm every girls type" he said smiling confidently.

"Exactly!" you said smiling too "And that IS NOT my type" you said finishing quickly your beer "After all why deprive the oportunity from the guy over there. You clearly seem his type" you finished you sentence.

And he remained speechless. So you made your way behind the bar but stopped on your track and turned to look at him for one last time.

"And just so you know Dean" you started and said his name which made him frown a little bit "I'd much rather sleep with a demon than you" that was hard but you had to give him a lesson. "At least I would know where he would be the next morning" you said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

He staid there looking at you almost shocked and definitely speechless.

"Who..." he started but did not have the courage to continue.

Biggest rejection ever.

"(Y/n). My name is (y/n). I bet you have heard about me" you said and his eyes almost went a bit wide only by saying your first name.

Definitely Bobby had talked to them about you.

"I'll give Bobby your greetings." you said smirking and left the bar.

Your high heels klicking with every step as Dean just stared at you not believing what just had happened.


And that's how you had met the famous - infamous Dean Winchester.

And now he was in town with his brother.

And you had to co-operate with him.


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