Disastrous Wrap party

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Jade pov
"and CUT! SEASON 2 IS DONE!" the director calls out.

The director yells cut for our final season of season 2. We all hug each other and cheer, for another successful season. Once the celebration was over, we all change into our normal clothes, for we had a wrap party that same day. I walked into my dressing room and changed my clothes. Once I was done, I heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" The voice asks.

"Yea," I say, applying a little makeup.

"hey Liz," the voice enters.

"o hey Lance," I say as I see him sitting on the seat.

"u coming tonight?" He asks.

"of course! Wouldn't miss it," I reply sitting right next to him.

We kept talking and soon we say goodbye. I receive a text from Breanna saying she's going to pick me up for the wrap party.(AN her mom brings them) I say yes and arrive at my house. I take a shower and change into:

 I take a shower and change into:

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And waited for Breanna. She arrived 10 minutes after and I go out to her car.

"u look beautiful Bubbles," she says.

"U too," I reply getting in.

Breanna and I come out of the car to Tony's house, where the party was held. She was wearing this blue dress:

Once we entered, we were immediately greeted by Lance and Aidan

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Once we entered, we were immediately greeted by Lance and Aidan.

"hey guys," Lance says.

"hey," I greet back.

"nice outfits," Bre chips in.

"same to u," he says telling her.

"hey have u seen Rico?" I say, looking around.

" I think Ricardo's with some girl I don't recognize," Aidan finally replies.

"typical Ricardo," Breanna laughs.

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