The first day of senior year in high school; on the up side, I was about to get rid of all this and go to college and start the rest of my life. on the down side, it was time to adult now. make choices that would really affect my life and determine the person I'd become...  however, that was too obscure to think of on my very first day while getting ready to school and already running late. 

since I went to a private school the groups were quite small. my whole class was made out of 12 people, including me. out of those 12 people, 10 were idiots -me among them- and the other 2... no one but the teachers cared much for them.

I woke up at 6, got showered, applied mascara, lipstick, got dressed, raced to the kitchen ate a very healthy natural flavoured Greek yoghurt and ran to the car, where my brother was waiting for me. we had an unspoken deal in which he drove to school in the mornings and I drove in the afternoon when we came back home.

the ride to school was silent since neither of us is a morning person, the only sound was the radio as a background noise. As we got to campus we only mumbled a 'bye' and went to our classes. 

as usual, on the first day, Leticia -the principal- called us during the first period to introduce us to our new teachers and the subjects they would be imparting. They were all lined up behind her and raised a hand when their subjects were named. 

"that one looks awfully young to be a teacher"

Monica, my friend since first grade -God knows how we managed to stay together until high school- said behind me. I didn't bother looking because all our teachers were in their late twenties or early thirties. 

"They all are" 

she pulled my hair.

"look at him, you idiot"

after she asked so nicely, I didn't have much choice unless I wanted to look rude. like Monica.

"Crap, he is young, not much but younger than the rest"

"He must be related to Leticia"

she said shrugging. I turned to her with a putting face and she made a face at me.

"That would be a shame. it would make him off limits"

"He is a teacher. Leticia's or not. he is off limits, you slut"

she added in a not so discreet cough. I laughed and turned to look at him again... and he was looking straight at me. I looked down, blushing. 

"well... seems like he is also regretting having you off limits"

Monica mumbled, making me blush even more. 

the rest of the day was uneventful. I didn't saw him for the rest of it  -thankfully-  Tuesday was another story, however, Wednesday I had two different classes with him because my very private, very posh high school decided that we seniors needed teachers that studied a specific career and still love it -hence my teachers being so young- so they could teach us about it and make it easier for us to decide on what to go for. I knew I wanted to be a lawyer already and had already made the exam for two of the best colleges with the most complete and up to date law school programs because... yes I was passionate about arguing with or without fundaments.

after school I drove us home, we ate and at five we went to work in our beloved family business which was a very big company our father funded when he was young. we did what was asked and even more, we got back home at 9 pm or later and all the week, every week was like that for us, except for Saturdays, Sundays and if we were lucky, fridays afternoons. 

o the third week of class I was feeling sick and asked t go to the nursery, where I entered without even knocking and laid on the padded bench the nurse had for us to be checked. 

"Annie, I feel so tired. you have no idea, girl. Work has me so stressed right now"

I was saying as I heard her type away in her computer. 

"It's just tiredness then? or do you want some tea?"

she asked as she stood to make tea, no matter what my answer would be. except Annie made a mean cup of tea and I was more than happy to get one.

"Where do you work? I had no idea you did anything outside of school"

the young teacher - which I now knew was Leticia's nephew- asked behind me. he was also sipping a cup of tea and was looking kind of pale. 

"Oh, I... my dad's company. I work there with him"

"Ah... so you are a daddy's girl, after all. Why don't you tell him you feel tired and skip work today?"

"Why don't you tell Leticia you feel like crap and skip work for the rest of the week?"

"Manners, girl. And I'm a professional, that's why"

"I'm professional as well, just because I work for my father doesn't mean I get to sit in an office and do nothing. Because I am the bosses daughter I have to work extra hard"

"That's what a daddy girl would say"

"No. A daddy's girl would laugh and say in the most annoying voice ever 'I know, right? I totally will' and you must certainly won't hear me say so"

"You could if you wanted to"

"You know nothing about what I do or don't or can or can't do. If you feel like shit, be miserable on your own and don't take it out on me"

Annie was in front of me with her glorious tea and just arched a brow at me. I was probably behaving like the spoiled brat he thought I was, but damn it I bust my ass every day working just for n idiot to belittle it that way.

"Sorry. I lost my temper"

I mumbled and felt my tongue burning because I wasn't sorry at all.

"No, no. You are right, I don't know you and I shouldn't take my stress out on you. I am sorry"

"I forgive you. But just so you know, I'm not sorry I lost it"

He laughed and I did too because his laugh was kind of awkward and made me laugh.

"Why aren't you this outspoken in class?"

I just shrugged because honestly, in his class I never wanted to attract much attention. Now, however, ice had been broken so I could do anything now.

"I am, just not that loud or in your class"

"You should. It would be refreshing to hear something sarcastic every once in a while"

He stood up and left his cup next to Annie.

"You will regret saying that once she gets comfortable around you"

Annie warned and I nodded because, if anyone had a complaint about me, it was that I was too sarcastic... what a bunch of pussies. 

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