My Life

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okay. As you know, my names Nicola Ellis. My full name is Nicola Louise Ellis, but you dont need to know that. Im 13 years old, have an amazing best friend and am starting a difficult year at my new school. Im going to just skim over important parts of my life. Here we go!! :)


I was born at 9:37pm on 1/10/1998 at Campbell Hospital, Adelaide. I know that the first thing my dad said about me is "Ghez she's got long lengs!!". I was taken back to my home in Sailsbury 4 days later. I stayed in Sailsbury for 4 years meaning i went to preschool there and my younger brother, William was born there aswell. I started swimming at the age of 3 and had my first dip in the pool at the age of 1. I loved water.


I moved to Jerrabomberra (Outskirts off Canberra) as my dad had a posting from the airforce there. I started at a new Preschool there and then moved to the primary school when i was 6. I have some small memories of when I was there.

My mum helped create a Mural on the wall and we also made a massive dinosaur called the 'Jerrasauraous' (idk how it was spelt). My Kindergarten Teacher moved to Darwin at the end of the year. I also moved back to Adelaide at the end of that year aswell.

I lived in a small suburb called Golden Grove and went to the local primary school there. Year 1 and 2 were great. I met my first best friend Rachel there. My mum discovered my singing talent in year 2 and got me into the Australian Girls Choir (highly exclusive choir btw).


When i moved into year 3, I met my neigbour across the road, Chloe, for the first time. she was my age and was extremely funny. I also met my left side neighbour, Christy for the first time too. She was the rebel of us and a year older than us. And then I met my other neighbour, Ellen. Ellen and I had a crazy friendship even though she went to a different school. I was practically 29 days older than her

Then, Ellen moved houses, Chloes mum had a baby and Christy got a dog. Everyone stop hanging out and did their own thing for a while. I was quite lonesome


Then my dreadfull year 4 came. I was in Mrs. Howards class, the hardest teacher in the school. I had none of my friends in my class and i was put with the (excuse my language) bitchiest girls ever. They picked on what I wore, how I put my hair (i had hair that went down to my thigh and was super thick. I always had it up in a pony tail) what i played (I played pokemon for a while there) and who i hung out with (geeky guys).

They'd pretend to be my friends, learn my secrets then be bitchy towards me. I was put in a group with them for an assignment, I worked all night on ti, and the next day, they'd pick on everything i've done. "i dont like that background" or "i dont like the photo" or "why'd you put that photo there? its ugly". By then i ran into the bathroom and cried.

At the end of that year, my dad got another posting back to canberra. I was (literally) fliping. I could finnally leave. I had to quit the australian girls choir and stop my swimming lessons. I couldnt wait to leave.




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