Lost & Alone

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      Alone. The beginning of your life was spent that way. You had no memory of anything before waking up in a small, almost empty, room besides you, and a lantern. The most precious thing in your life was a silver lighter with a yellow circle on it. A while later, while wondering around in another room nearby where you found most of your food, (garbage and left overs room) a small grey humanoid creature was standing nearby. 

     You chased after it. Having no idea where it was going. Eventually, you felt massive fatigue and stopped running. The chirping of the creature fading off. You were now lost. All because of dumb curiosity. You looked around you. Multiple vents and doors were each a possibility of the direction you came from. You looked behind you. Two doors. Right next to each other. You took a chance and randomly walked towards them with your eyes closed. Hoping that whichever one you chose would lead you home. 

     "Oof!" You yelped. Instead of walking through a door, you went into the wall between them. You mentally were laughing at yourself while you were physically rubbing your nose and having many, many regrets. Then you heard something. Something like footsteps. Something smaller than you though. You turned around, surprised to find the small grey creature returning to you after you presumably terrified it, leading to it running away from you.

    You slowly lifted your arm, as to not scare it, and gave it a small wave. The little creature seemed to smile under its triangle mask. It waved back in a seemingly happy manner. The creature then gave a signal with its hand that meant, "follow me." So you did. And it, somehow, slipped your mind, that as you were following it, you were also walking away from everything you had ever known.

Sorry it's short. :/ This was supposed to be the description... Don't worry! I shall get the next chapter out soon! Even if nobody reads this I will keep writing it, just for fun! Remember that i'm just kind of experimenting with this to test my writing abilities. Because writing is a thing that is a fun(-ish) thing to do! *jazz hands* Okay bye!

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