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The little grey triangle head kept looking back to check if you were following, which you were! Putting all of your faith and hope that wherever the little thing was taking you, it would be helpful. You went left, then right, then another right, and some more lefts. You lost track of all the turns you had to make. You had no idea that this place was so huge. You always saw the door ways but you never had the audacity to go through them, for the fear that curiosity would get the better of you and you would get lost. And the situation you were in proved that you were correct about about yourself.

Soon, (after taking a quite confusing route) you were in a big room that the little creature stopped in. Many holes and ladders leading up to the holes were around the room. As you took in the huge room, the triangle creature walked over to a lever. They shook their arms and leaped at it, using all of their strength to pull it down. Then, with a loud click a corner of the room lit up with a lightbulb hanging from the high and barely visible roof. And under the light, was an enormous pile of scavenged food.

Sausages, bread, carrots, cheese, steak, apples, and many more things were in it. And you were glad that none had any mold on them! The grey triangle head ran over to the pile and put both of its arms out in the pile's direction. It then did some questionable modeling poses in front of it. You did a faint smile and almost giggled at their antics.

As soon as the sight of all the food was processed in your mind, a wild and uncontrollable hunger sort of feeling blossomed inside you. It was painful. So painful in fact, that you had to lean over and you almost fell to the floor because of the pain. You quickly regained your strength and moved your way towards it. But the little triangle stopped you.

It grabbed onto your leg and was shaking its head back and forth in a way that meant "no" and was chirping quietly but in a fast and pleading manner. You tried nudging it off of your leg, but then it grabbed onto your arm as well. You fell to the floor because of your lack of balance, the creature then climbed on top of you. (Note that you are almost the same size but you are bigger by about a centimeter -w-)

You struggled to get out of its grasp but suddenly another wave of hunger overwhelmed you. The grey triangle creature began looking around frantically. It looked at the roof and loosened its grip. You tried getting up and pushing it off but the hunger seemed to take all of your energy away. Your thoughts became blurry and you could barely control yourself. Before you could do what your instinct was commanding you to do, the creature jumped off of you and ran towards a huge button. You were about to chase after it but they pushed the button before you could even get up.

And a loud earthshaking BOOM was heard through the room. You fell back on the floor and put your hands over your ears. A few seconds later, the noise stopped. At this point, you would go as far as to eat the entire pile. You ran towards the pile. You were so focused on getting your food that you didn't notice the lights beginning to turn on in the hole scattered throughout the walls. Nor, did you see the ropes being draped down from the roof. one of the ropes landed near your foot and you just happened to get caught by it.

You struggled to free yourself, it would have been easy if your mind hadn't been clouded by hunger. It was just twirled around your foot once. Simple if you just un-twirled it. But, you didn't. Instead, you wrapped it around more. You blocked out the world and only focused on the rope. You didn't notice all the triangle heads running past you and grabbing stuff from the pile. The creatures running out of their holes, falling from the ropes, climbing down ladders and taking whichever food they desired. Not really caring about you as much as they did themselves.

The triangle that led you here, however grabbed a morsel of cheese and swiftly ran over to you. You heard them approach and as soon as you saw the cheese you practically lunged for it. And you would have gotten it, if it weren't for the rope. You just made it worse by trying to get out of this mess. Your lower half of your body was now off the floor. You were helpless now that you couldn't escape the grasp of the evil rope. The triangle then approached you at full speed and stuffed the cheese in your mouth. Without second thoughts, and your leg hanging off the floor, you gobbled the cheese down.

Immediately you felt relief wash over you. You gave a sigh of relief and joy as your thoughts and self control returned along with disposing of the pain from hunger. You looked at the rope that had entrapped you.

"Did I really just do that?" You whispered to yourself. The creature nodded in response. They were still very close after all. You lied back down on the floor and slowly regained more and more of yourself back. You heard footsteps coming towards you and something crawl onto your leg. It was the creature. They began fumbling with the rope, trying its best to undo it. After a few minutes, you felt your foot unexpectedly hit the floor.

You were free of the rope. You jumped up instantly and put your arms up in victory. You then picked up the grey creature from the floor who had fallen off of your leg from undoing the rope. You held it in your arms and smiled at it, and then hugged it. And as you did a faint feminine voice played inside your head.

"Are they dangerous?"

"No, they are quite friendly. Call them Nomes"

It was a familiar feeling hugging it. You hadn't realized how long you had been hugging this grey cre-... Nome. It was now squirming in your arms and pushing you away. You let go of it and it ran away. The lights in the holes began going away. One by one. The ropes began to go upwards. Eventually, everything was still again. And you were alone, once again.

     Don't start thinking you and Six won't cross paths. You will. -w-

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