Exploring The Unknown

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So very sorry for not updating this book in forever! I was traveling with my family in San Fransisco for two weeks and then after that was done, we instantly packed all of our stuff, and drove to Lake Tahoe. I would have updated over there but I had no wifi ;-; . I don't have a phone so I don't have any of those plans where I get wifi everywhere I go. Just a laptop and a tablet. So please enjoy I updated this story as soon as I could. I am still at Lake Tahoe so, *insert sarcastic angry joke here*. Now please, enjoy.(or i will screem becuz i failed u ;w;)

     Darkness. it was engulfing the room. The room which only moments ago had been lively and filled with running Nomes going in every direction. The room began feeling cold, sending a chill up your spine and making you shake your arms and head. You reached into your back pocket and pulled out the lighter. You put your thumb at the top and slid it backwards, a small and flickering blue flame erupted within it. It was calming. Your small entourage was three Nomes, the smallest one of the three behind you while the other two were slightly ahead of you. 

     All of your footsteps were in sync, making it sound like there was only one person walking instead of four. This was apparently a tactic used by the Nomes in case they ever had to defend themselves. They would all be in perfect sync with each other and if something tried to attack the group, they would all hustle and try and pin whatever the attacker was down. Then they would swiftly jump off and start kicking for a moment and run for the hills, still in synced foot steps You only knew tactic because it was partly used on you, and a black slimy thing that was hanging from the roof in a room not to far away from the huge food pile room. Also called the "main housing area" by you. 

     The lighter you were holding was emitting a comforting yellow-ish blue light around the room.  It helped keep your small group at peace. It helped them to not run and be as skittish as they usually were. That didn't mean they wouldn't let down their guard. They were still looking in every direction for signs of any danger. Which there was none. You came into a room where there were lots of cages and boxes thrown all over the floor. The small Nome behind you ran under one of the boxes. The other two did the same but they didn't go underneath the, just into boxes that were on their side. You had no idea why they would do this and you ran over to the upside down box that the smallest Nome went under. You were about to peek under and ask them to come back out, but that was when you felt it.

     You felt the floor thumping, almost like it had a heart, and you heard something do some sort of groan, through the corridor entrance on the left. You heard loud footsteps. Footsteps of something much bigger than you. You decided to hide under the cardboard box with the small Nome. But, it seemed that the Nome inside was holding down the box. The sounds were getting louder and so was your own heartbeat. As you looked back down the corridor you saw faint yellow light emerging from the darkness. You inhaled your breath and swiftly ran into one of the cages and closed it, but didn't lock it. Obviously you couldn't even if you wanted to. As the sound was getting closer, you heard smaller footsteps running along with the louder footsteps.

The sound of it seemed to be your size if only slightly bigger. As you looked through the bars of the cage, praying that whatever was coming wouldn't see you. You were planning in your head what you would do if they did see you. You would break their ankles(coryxkenshin) and run out of the cage door if the thing opened it, and then run in the opposite direction of the Nomes and where they lived. At least if the thing did catch you, the others would be safe. The smaller thing sounded like it was running away from the bigger thing so you assumed you wouldn't have to worry about it.

Your heartbeat was rattling your whole body now, shaking everything. You took deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself. And as soon as you took your first breath, the loud footsteps stopped. You saw darkness and felt or thought nothing for a moment.  You felt dizzy and almost hit your head on the side of the cage. You fearfully looked towards where the last footsteps were heard. You heard something crack, almost like the sound when you were stretching, and then you felt and heard the loud footsteps that were more like earthquakes than footsteps. 

"Where are you?" a cold, raspy voice echoed through the room. A way to describe it would be: harsh, bold, quiet, terrifying, and slightly painful to hear. You saw a hand, it was feeling boxes and was relatively close to the ground, maybe it was actually small but like to stomp around? Then the hand started to travel up, another hand soon joined it and started touching another box.

The first hand you saw started feeling another box, at a much higher angle. You must admit, your vision was a little blurry and it was hard to focus on what you were seeing, almost like you weren't really there but you knew you were. As if you were floating away from your body but a part of you stayed. (Does this happen to anybody else? .-_.-) What you did know though, was that the "small stomping thing", WAS NOT SMALL. It was towering over you and had tiny little stubs for legs. He made up for his heigh, with its arms.

Long, twisty, and disturbing hands and arms. There were many layers to it. Some type of brown hat, and and mostly bandaged head that seemed to go underneath it's green buttoned up jacket that he wore. The bandages covered up two thirds of its head, including its ears. The color of its skin seemed to be grey and the shoes they wore were black. 

"I can hear your heavy breathing, if you could just...come out." As you listened to their words you realized that you may as well be screaming, your breathing was very very VERY loud. You instantly held your breath and put your hand over your heart (jOsE cAn yOu SeE)to see how fast it was going. You closed your eyes and felt it, even if it was shaking you. The beat wasn't fast enough to be a heart attack, yet not slow enough to be normal. You opened your eyes and the creature was feeling a cage and a box right next to you.

"I know you're over here somewhere."  You watched its hand motions, it felt the outside of the cages before feeling inside of them. You realized that your plan may still work, but... the length of their arms would make it nearly impossible. You judged how far you would make it before getting caught. You then felt yourself letting go of your life, and you instantly sucked in a gulp of air and released the breath you forgot you were holding.

The creature froze for a moment and slowly turned his head in your direction. You froze in fear and felt yourself slightly shaking anyway. But, if you couldn't escape, you would atleast try to. Why not? They would either feel around this cage and find you, or catch you as you attempted to survive. 

Alright, I have two things to do here, I have the story planned out for both options, but I had no idea which to choose so, it's going to be a community vote! You can either try to escape but still have the possibility to be caught, or just stay in the cage and await to be found. *scary noise*

Here is my idea of how we should do this. Say somebody comments, "We should wait in the cage." if you also want to do that, just reply to the comment. You don't even have to say "I agree" or anything like that, just reply. I will look for spam though so don't even try it. NOW GO VOTE! THIS IS A WORLD WHERE EVERYBODYS OPINION MATTERS NOW! GO GO GO!

Also I was too tired and lazy to proofread dis ;-;

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