Chapter 8- Yokai at a Wedding

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"Absolutely ridiculous!" It was Morning and we were talking Yukijis father about postponing the wedding for Yukijis safety but he wasn't having it. "What makes you think I will cancel my daughters wedding?"
"I'm not ordering you to cancel it. I'm suggesting to postpone it or go about it a different way."
"You still haven't told me why I should do this?" He boomed.
"Father. Kaiyō was attacked by a yokai last night. It mistook her for me. That can only mean that it was here for me." Yukiji tried to reason with her father.
"Tomoe and Akura-Ou have gained wind of Yukijis beauty. They wish to see it for themselves and are obviously willing to kill and kidnap for it. I fear what will happen to Yukiji if they do get her hands on her." Her father thought for a while.
"Even if I wanted to postpone the wedding, I can't. All the arrangements are already made."
I thought for a minute.

"I have an idea."


"Are you sure this will work? You don't have to do this for me."
"It will work and I want to do this for you. Besides, I'm the only one that is the same height and looks similar to you." I said before getting in to a carriage, the decoy carriage.
It was Yukijis wedding day and I was posing for her so the Yokai would attack me instead of her. We made it well known that 'Yukiji' would be traveling they short way to the main town for her wedding procession, that way, she could have the true procession going around the back. It would be longer for her, but safer.

"Hope you stay safe." Yukiji said before sending me away.
"I'll be fine. Trust me." I called back as the carriage was lifted up on to the six men's shoulders and they started to carry me. They must be really strong in order to carry this all the way to the next town.
Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I took out one of the leafs and enchanted it, sticking it on to the carriage wall. It became half is weight from before.
"That should be a little easier." I quietly chuckled to myself before adjusting the veil that was placed on my head.

Sadly, I wasn't allowed to wear Tomoes hairpin, since the theme of the wedding was white and red and I had to make this charade as believable as possible.
They walked for a good two hours till a slight chuckle filled the air around us.
Show time.
I clutched the hairpin in my hands hoping for luck as toxic gas filled the air and everyone started choking.

No! This wasn't part of the plan. I was the only one supposed to get hurt, not them. I shouldn't have put it past the yokai to do that though. I was stupid.

"Lady Yukiji!" A guard called out to me as he coughed and held out his hand. "We have to get you out of here!" He finished before collapsing and falling still.
"I know your here miss Yukiji. You can't hide from the great Kirakaburi." The yokai sang before sending vines the attack me. The vines wrapped around my waist and I was pulled from the collapsed carriage.

He was dressed in some type of purple spaniard style pants and pink loose sleeved top with a purple cloak. But probably the most eye catching feature was his hair. It was Styled like an owl head. I've seen yokai in weird close before, like Yatori, but this was ridiculous. Or maybe it is common for yokai to wear these sorts of closes and I'm not aware of it because all I've met it Tengus, Familairs and Kirihito, who is more human then yokai at the moment, sure you have my father and but that's traditional ocean dress.

"Let me go owl head!"
"My my. A lady shouldn't used such words."
"I said let me go!" I ordered knowing it wouldn't work but I had to keep up the act. He gave a thinking hum before smiling again.
"I think not." He chuckled. "Master Akura-Ou is where to promote me after I bring you to him."
"Perverts." I mumbled to myself, knowing full well that yelling it will either get me injured or get them confused. I don't remember if such a word even existed in this time period.

"Let Lady Yukiji go!" A voice called from below. It was one of the guards. He was very weak and stood no chance against Kirakabari but he's going to dame we'll try. The guard lunged forward with his spear only to have Kirakabari punch though his stomach.
"No!" I cried out as the rest of the men where either running or bing choked by the vines or poison. I can't stand this. They weren't meant to die. "Stop! I promise I'll come quietly, just don't hurt them!"
"Oh but, it's no fun if you come quietly."
"Fine then!" I said before grabbing onto the vines and ripping them away from my limbs. I fell to the ground and ran only to be cut short by a sharp pain in my ankle.

"What amazes me is that a human like you can break my vines bare handed, fall from that hight and still be able to run quicker then the average human. It quite interesting." Crap I forgot to limit my speed.
I stayed quiet and plucked the wooden needle out of my ankle. Blood spouted out of the hole but didn't run. I will soon be healed.

My head started to spin and I fell against a tree. What the hell was on that needle?
"The poison will cause paralysis from the waist down, eventually making its way to your heart. Pity. Akura-Ou and Tomoe wanted you alive. I guess if I hurry I can still fullfill that order." The owl started to make his way over to me.
Tomoes presence started to overwealm my senses. He's here.
The shling of a sword being pulled from it holster echoed of the trees and the owl fell to the ground in a puddle of red liquid. Blood.

I focused my vision enough to see a familiar figure walking over to me.
"Master Akura-Ou isn't going to be happy about this." Kirakabari weakly said.
"I'm not one of his underlings. I can do as I wish." Tomoe snickered before softly picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. It hurt.
This is awfully familiar.

Tomoe started to walk away from the screen and my mind started to wander.

We had come to a small cottage and Tomoe had taken shelter from the rain inside. It wasn't his house. It smelt like human men.

Without warning, Tomoe through me against a wall. I couldn't move anymore. The poison was taking hold. Why now?
He grabbed my hair and sat on my legs, proceeding to remove the top of my Kimono. I started to struggle but was quite weak. Soon enough I was exposed. It pained me to think that the Tomoe that I love used to be like this.
"Keep still Yukiji." He ordered before leaning in closer to my face and sniffing my hair. I froze.
"I'm not Yukiji." I mumbled quietly to myself. What am I doing! He can't know. "Please stop. I saved you because I thought you were different from other Yokai. Not like this."
I started to cry and Tomoe looked shocked. He slowly released my wrists and hugged me. I stopped crying in shock.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.

-Tomoes POV-

"Please stop. I saved you because I thought you were different from other Yokai. Not like this." Her words shocked me. Is that why she helped me? She thought I was different from other yokai? Why? What made her think that? An unfamiliar feeling filled my heart. What is this? Why am I suddenly feeling sorry for what I had just done to her?
The next thing I knew she was in my arms.

"I'm sorry."

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