Chapter 9- Moments Like These...

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-Kaiyōs POV-

I woke up in something I never thought I would wake up in again. Tomoes arms.
I snuggled into his chest and clutched onto his kimono. I know this is the past Tomoe but it's the same person, just with less memories then the one I know better.
I turned around in his arms so I was facing him but he didn't seem to like it.

"Don't move." His voice echoed around in my head before his arms tightened, trying to restrict me from moving. "Not till I wake up."
I stopped shifting and nuzzled into his chest before closing my eyes again. I felt safe again.
"What are you doing?" Tomoe asked looking down at me. I heavily blushed before scrabbling out of his arms and leaning against a wall. How I did that when I was paralysed from the waist down I have no idea.

I looked over at the kitsune who slowly sat up and looked at me with confusion.
I couldn't take it any more. Tears started to escape form my brown eyes. Hugging my legs, I buried my head into my knees and cried. It was to much.

Tomoe was sick and only had two days left while I was in the past sleeping with the old him, who doesn't even know who I am. I still had to find Kuromaro and find out what object the deal was made on but I had know way of doing that.

I felt Tomoe embrace me and I cried into his kimono before realising that this was all wrong.
"Get away form me!" He backed away shocked. "Please. Just leave me alone."
"I don't think that's a good idea." He smirked. "You can't move and have no idea where you are."
"I can take care of my self. Please. Just leave." I could taste my tears. Why was I doing this? I didn't know any more. I saw hurt flash though his eyes before his violet orbs where swallowed by anger.
He swiftly threw me over his shoulder and started to walk out of the house.
"Put me down!"
"You do what I say. If I wanted I could burn you to ashes so be careful."
"Stupid Fox!" I yelled in his ear, causing him to drop me. He held his ears in pain.
"What was that for!"
"You have no right to do that! Just leave me alone!"
"Fine. But don't come crying for me if you need help." Then he left.

Should I be pushing him away or should I be welcoming him?
He clearly fell in love with me instead of Yukiji but should Yukiji be the one who he falls in love with or should it have been me.
Time is a never ending cycle never changing as what ever you do has already happened in the past, you can't change it. If you do, you just create a new timeline where it did happen in the past.
If this is the case, did Tomoe ever love Yukiji or was he in love with me the whole time, just with the wrong name and apperence.
Should I show him the true me or keep up the charade?

I laid on the hard wood floor for hours. Oddly enough, it was kind of comfortable and it gave me plenty of time to think of a plan.
I need to get back present day and send myself to Kuromaros shrine before he dies but I was kind of stuck in the past at the moment. The poison had taken a greater toll on me then I originally thought. It was likely it was having this effect because of the human transformation I did but I'm still not completely human.

I heard talking coming from the outside of the house and it became voices became closer and the next thing I knew three men stood in the doorway. Thiefs.
Great. Just great!

"Look what we have here."
"Looks like the gods are treating us for a job well done." That all chuckled and one reached out and pulled me towards them.
I preparedto attack before the mans arm was set alight.

"Yukiji?" Tomoes voice came form the doorway behind the men.
"Tomoe!" I smiled in relief before I was he ground as the humans took a runner.

Tomoe stopped them.
"Not so fast. Humans like you deserve to die." He chuckled before raising his katana.
"Wait, Tomoe!" I rushed forward and held his wrist, stopping him from humans. "Your not like this. Your better then Akura-Ou. You've proved it more then once. Why do you think I saved you? I would have left just any old yokai to die. The world would be a better place but I know your better then the rest of them. Please prove that to me." Tomoe thought for a minute before sighing in lowering his arm. "Thank you." I hugged him, shocking him.

The men ran you of the house, leaving me and Tomoe alone.
We stood in silence for a few minutes before Tomoe spoke up. "Let's go."
I nodded before taking his hand, making him blush. "Let's go."

Tomoe summoned his fire carriage and we both hoped on.
We found ourselves at a river and Tomoe caught a few fish using yokai magic.
He looked at me before turning back to the fish he was cooking. I watched his blue flame turn the scales crispy and slowly fall off only to burn up before touching the flame.

"Here you go." He said before handing me a fish.
"Thanks." I took the fish and started to peal the skin off before the hairpin crossed my mind. Realising that my hair was out, I started panicking. I reached into my Kimono and felt nothing. I lost it.
"Are you alright." Tomoe asked as I started to cry. I can't lose it.
"I...I've lost something."
"You mean this?" He held the hairpin in his clawed hands. "I found it on the floor of the thieves den." I snatched the hair Pin from him and held it close to my chest. "It's that important to you?" I nodded.

"Here." He took the hairpin from me and started to play with my hair.
"Done." He plainly stated before cooking a fish for himself
"Thanks." We sat in silence for a few minutes as he prepared the fish and ate.

"I want to show you something."


Yay! Bonding!
Sorry if the time travel stuff was confusing. It made sense to me so you should get the idea.

Oh man do I have big plans for my own little story line. It's a big step for me but I'm doing it.

Thanks for Reading!

(1126 Words)

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