01 | the flower and the wolf

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( sansa stark )

act one / ❛ carry you home ❜
01 | the flower and the wolf



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          Since being uprooted from her home at Highgarden, she's found there is little to be happy about. She stands beside her siblings in the Grand Hall, facing the king, watching like all the other members of court as Joffrey first awards his grandfather the position of Hand of The King. Isolde squints as Tywin Lannister rides out of the hall on his horse with a smirk on his face, and shudders. She has yet to see evidence of there being a pleasant Lannister.

         The king, Joffrey Baratheon, lounges on the Iron Throne with a bored frown, as if an audience with his latest guests is nothing but a chore. Isolde meets his dark eyes and her stomach churns, ( she's heard the stories ) but she keeps the smile plastered on her face nonetheless.

          Next, Joffrey addresses Petyr Baelish, gifting him with Harrenhal, for his brilliant work uniting the houses of Lannister and Tyrell, and Isolde silently scoffs. She's never spoken with the Lord, but there's something about Petyr that makes her skin crawl; maybe that's why she thinks he and Joffrey would get along well, as they both ignite the same feeling of hatred and disgust inside of her.

Her focus wanders, and she looks to the side of the throne, where she sees a man — barely breaking past the last stages of boyhood — standing near the steps of the dais. He wears the armour and cloak of the Kingsguard, but barely seems old enough to fufill such a momentous role. She frowns, taking in his features; a face that looks too solemn, too troubled, for someone of his age; and a crown of yellow hair atop his head.

Typical Lannister locks.

She wants to turn away — she's heard that every Lannister is a cruel piece of work in their own right — but this man looks different. From what she can see, his gaze is not cold like Tywin's, nor does he hold himself higher than others like Joffrey. And his lips are set firm and hard into a line of indifference, not a smirk that Isolde has so far seen all over the Lannisters. She wonders who he is; too young to be Jaime, the renowned Kingslayer, and too old to be Tommen, the last son of Cersei and Robert. ( Or rather, Jaime, if you chose to believe the rumours. )

The man turns then, and meets her stare with one softer than she imagined. She doesn't have chance to smile, for Lord Baelish steps back in line next to her sister Margaery, and the king is summoning Loras forward, Isolde watching nervously as her brother moves closer to the throne.

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