i liked writing this bit
We got married privately one month later. Casper only wanted a small amount of people, some friends and kids from the home.
That was also a very good day, Casper smiled and I felt proud and happy and I really wished you two were here because, Mum, Gemma, you would have helped her get ready and coo over her dress and tell her how beautiful she looks.
I wish she had her Dad to walk her down too.
She was crying when she made it to the top and I smiled at her and she knew why – because I knew her Dad was there – in our hearts.
That day was the day I said ‘I love you’ over 100 times.
When we danced together back in our flat I held her so tightly and she was happy again.
I had fixed her,
Congratulations, Mum and Gemma.
You would be so proud right now, I hope, if you could see her.
She’s so tiny and fragile.
She has Casper’s hair and my eyes.
She makes little, tiny noises sometimes and when I held her.
I want to be with her. All my life I want her and Casper. She is my everything -now and I have to stay, breathing, for her.
She is me and I am her and she was made with the person I love.
You know that little room I talked about?
That’s her room now.
Regan – that’s her name.
Regan Gemma-Anne.
After all of you.
Mum, Gemma and Casper’s Mother – Regan.
You are not gone Mum, Gemma – you live in her. You live on in my Regan.
I know you do.
Casper is always happy now and so am I.
We barely ever cry. Never.
Regan does though.
Casper had to quit work – so I’m moving jobs. I actually have a qualification.
You proud?
I worked hard but now I work in a proper office with other people.
I get to talk about my Wife and Regan and how work was when I get back home to my girls and life is better for me now.
I know I don’t have to curl up with you Gemma and cry with you anymore and I’m sorry.
But I love this so much.
I’m with people who love me Mum and I am never alone.

Casper ➳ H.S {Short Story}
Fanfiction❝I think I'll burn you, so you no longer have to feel, Mum❞ ©harry_eternity