is it over?

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- She will come to talk to the police tomorrow. Right now she needs to go home.

Liam stated. Miley had just done with all the doctors and psychologist. He wrapped his hand around Miley's arms. She was covered with a blanket.

-Miley you're ready to go sweet?

She nodded.
They were driving in silent. She hadn't said weird until they got home.
He opened the door. Miley walked in and set in the couch.
-Miley? You haven't said a word! I am here sweetie. You are safe.

-I just wanna take a shower.

-okay baby

Wow...She was way more traumatized that he thought. She seemed more depressed now than she was the previous months. Then it hit him. He couldn't leave her alone! Who knew what she could do. He ran up the stairs and knocked the door.

-Miley?  You done?

-Go away liam...

He could hear her crying.

-Miley! Please oPen the door baby. I'm worried!

She opened the door. She was wearing a robe and her eyes were red from crying.

- Liam I can't get it off of me!I can feel his touch all over my body. I'm disgusted at myself for letting this happen! I can't forget this!! I don't want to live with this Liam! Please help me. Please!

He was starring... He wanted to help her so much but he couldn't. No one could. He felt so bad for her that he started crying.
-I'm so sorry Miley! I really want to help but I can't do anything!

-I know...

- Miley please remember that I love you more than anyone else!

-I know too

Liam/Miley *Miam* fanficWhere stories live. Discover now