resent events

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Often whilst baby sitting my youngest sister holly who is 4 she would talk about seeing this boy around the house it's recently got worse. She is telling me that he is following me and watching me. I'm a little scared at this but at the same time I've been wondering if it could actually be the same boy I saw when I was elven that night.

I was baby sitting her one night at home while my family were out. It wasn't late around eightish but it was still pretty dark. I was quitly listening to music with her while she was driffting off to sleep. Suddenly she woke and stood up, "someones up stairs" she looked terrified, there was a slight bang coming from up stairs mind but I wasn't bothered as my brothersand sisters all have keys and are constantly in and out with there friends. Usually it didn't bother her ether but she was so scared Itried to tell her that it it was probably just oneof them but she wouldn't listen to me.

She wanted me to go and look so I took her up stairs to go look no one was there, she had me going around the hole off the house at least three times but there was nothing. She was crying that she wanted our parents so I said I'd take her out side by the front gate to wait for them. As we were going down the two flights of stars as  live in a up stairs flat to the front door, she started cryingeven more when we were at the top of the last few stairs, "he's there sophie, he's on the stairs" she was historical anddidn't want me to go down any further "who's there babes?" I wish more than ever I didn't ask. "The boy he watches you and follows you sophie"

I looked at her she was shaky more than anything I held her in my arms. I was scared so I told her we would just go back tothe living room instead and that's what we did. Manly because I didn't want to go down there after hearing her say that. I sate down on the sofa with her, she kept looking at the door.

"He really likesyouhe watchesover you soooph" I tried to calm myself down so that I wouldn't scare her any more than she already was. I also wanted to know what she was talking about though. "Is he good?" She didn't even look away from the door. "He's good to you because he likes you" her answer scared me "What about you, dose he like you?" She didn't answer my question for a minute she was silent, however she stared screaming  after that "He's in my necless, he's gone inside my necless, get him soph get him he's in my necklace!"

I panicked andtook thenecless of her. Then phoned my parents and told them everything and that I needed them to come home they said okay. I kept the necalass in my hand and lay her down on the sofa next to me nursing her of to sleep as best I could. It took me a while but she calmed down, she wasn't fully asleep but it was enough to keep her quite till my parents came back. When they came back and asked her what she was on about she told them everything she had told me. I gave the necless to my mother and she put it away. After that I just pushed everything out my mind,  like the rest of the family. I tried to forget it and though she hasn't mentioned it since and I still baby site alone sometimes I have never really been able to. Ever since that night I've felt like I'm being watched and followed. 

That's not all that has happened though, when I was old enough to take my youngest sister out I began to take her to the park by St John the Baptist church in porthcawl, I started taking her there with my friend cezzy but after she moved away it become the two of us going there by ourselves. The park was quiet place were hardly anyone when to, but there was always this one girl there she hardly ever spoke to us and I never really thought about her much untill recently. I stopped taking holly to the park for sometime know as it was quite a walk for her after she stopped using the pram, we just started going to the parks closer to home.

A while back me a friend of mine tiff and this boy, a friend of tiffs named keil had decided to go to that park, I don't know why exactly we chose that park but we just did. I hadn't been to that park in ages but when we got there the park was fenced of as it was being renewed and so instead we sat on the benches outside on the grass and just talked for a while.

After a few minutes or so I noticed the little girl as usual walking along the wall of the church and she must have noticed me, as normal she waved slightly before carrying on walking across the wall. I waved back being polite. Then Tiff asked me who I was waving to, at first I just pointed to the little girl and told her that I was waving to her. She turned to me and told me there was no one there and confused I began to argue with her that there was really a girl there. She clearly didn't believe me and I began to feel uncomfortable aspshualy as keil joined in the argument taking tiffs side.

"Explain what she looks like" tiff insisted and I did. As I was describing the girl I began to realise things that I hadn't really noticed before. Tiff became argumentive that I was seeing a ghost, keil too. At first I didn't believe her it made no sense to me at all. Then I realised that she was in fact probably right. I began to realise because of things that didn't quite add up. The girl had not once charged in all the times I had seen her, also she would have been older by then. That she had always been wearing that same navy knee length dress and that she never once came of the wall into the park but always walked up and down along the wall.

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