XXXIII- Imperfectly Perfect

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Alaina's POV

Upon entering the bedroom, a most gorgeous sight met my eyes. The whole bed was shining with a new silk bedspread, and topped off with rose petals strewn around carelessly.

Fairy lights adored the bed, and right in the middle of the wall was that accidental photo clicked at Jani's wedding. Looking around, I saw a goodie basket sitting on top of the vanity.

Walking towards the basket, I kept the bags from the store down on the floor beside the bed, and quickly tore open the pink cellophane on top.

The basket was filled with almost everything I loved. There was food on top, and I dug inside to find the best nail polishes and cosmetics.

And finally, as the last layer, there were a bunch of pictures at the bottom, secured together with a ribbon. I took the set out, and untied the ribbon holding the bunch together.

There were all pictures from Jani's wedding. 90 percent of them candids of me and Jason. It was funny, considering I had not even spent a lot of time with him.

But my absolute favourite from the bunch was of me and Jason dancing. It was just perfectly captured, with everything else slightly blurred. The only focus was on me and Jason.

Putting the pictures on the table, I examined the cellophane. The cellophane on the top had an infinity charm stuck right in it's centre. Feeling tears sting my eyes, I quickly moved back and wiped them off.

There was one thing I missed- just in the corner of the room, lit by a single lamp was a big box, wrapped in red sparkly paper. It too, was secured with a golden ribbon.

I lifted the huge box, and it felt unnaturally light. Putting it on the bed carefully, I tore the paper off. It revealed a smaller box inside the bigger one.

Then, I opened the smaller one. It revealed another one. And another. And another. Finally, as my fingers were getting tired, there was the smallest box inside another one.

It seemed like the one which would fit a ring. "Is this it?" I said loudly, my heart hammering inside my chest.

I could feel the baby moving a little inside me. The anticipation was real. With shaky hands, I approached the letter kept under the box.

I hope this makes up for the huge jerk I had been for the past few days. It was huge pain not talking to you or the baby.

I'm sorry.

Ps- Marry me?"

The words on the bottom caught my breath. I took the box, and closed my eyes. Opening the box, I instinctively opened my eyes to reveal a blank space inside.

Empty! That was what the box was. I felt anger bubbling up inside me, before a throat clearing snapped my attention.

"The stuff is here, love." I turned around to reveal Jason on one knee.

Before I could say anything, Jason started his speech.

"Alaina, I met you an year ago, and boy. We both knew, what we were doing was wrong, but we didn't care. You were my secretary and I your boss. But love saw no boundaries, and I fell. Hard. I should have done this a long time ago, before we got coiled in our problems, but I confess. I was scared of commitment. I was frightened of losing my bachelor status, and dating all supermodels," He took a pause, and I shook my head smilingly.

"But all I knew was that I loved you. That love has only grown since. So, Alaina Kerry, will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs. Alaina Fitz?" He asked, waiting with bated breath.

"Well, Mr. Fitz. I admit you were huge jerk, but it takes two to tango. I was a huge bi- not a good lady about it. So, considering your proposal, two negatives will make a positive. So, yes, I will marry you Jason Fitz." As soon I completed my speech, Jason got up and slipped the princess cut ring on my finger.

He lifted me up in his arms, swirling me around. Tears of happiness left my eyes. Finally, my little family would be complete.

I knew that there would be many a million problems that would hit us, but we would get through it. Problems would always be an obstacle towards a golden future, but come on.

Issues and upsets only make a relationship stronger. Yes, Barbie would be always pose issues. And most probably Jason had built a million enemies to get to me.

But our friends and my little family would always cancel problems out.

We would be imperfectly perfect.


I think this is it people! Two or so more chapters and then the epilogue. I don't have anything planned, all I know is that TCH is coming to an end. Thank you all, but not just yet.

There is more to go. The next chapter will be up next Sunday.

Till then,

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