Chapter Six

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After going round every single clothing shop and trying every outfit imaginable, I actually managed to find something that I didn't look absolutely ridiculous in. Ugh, I forgot how tiring shopping was, as I had subjected myself to this torture... sorry I mean shopping, I decided that I needed to treat myself to lunch, to make the horrible memories go away. Looking down at the time, I notices its gone past three In the afternoon. If I wanted to make myself look even a little bit presentable before Dean came and got me, then I needed to hurry up. Deciding on a good bakery cake I rushed to get one so that I could start making my way home, but as I was entering the little shop, I thought I noticed one of those guys again but maybe that was just my imagination running wild.

Not long after getting my cake, I was on the road heading for home. I didn't take too long to get there, just an hours drive. Dean had text me saying that he was going to pick me up at 6 to head over to one of the others houses for pre-drinks before hitting the clubs, only giving me two hours to make myself look less like an ogre. Rushing up the stairs with all my bags, because I had to get make up and hair supplies too, as usually I only wear eyeliner and mascara and well hair supplies always go missing... I don't even understand how I can lose over a hundred bobbles in two weeks, I just don't get it! I nearly trip over the last step but manage to balance myself on the door, only to fall on my ass anyway because the door was slightly agar. feeling the need to go slam Thomas' face into a wall, just for causing me this tiny bit of pain and the tiny bit of time wasted  sitting on the floor feeling sorry for myself when I could have been getting ready.

"THOMAS!!" The need to have a go at him, beat getting ready. I slowly start to get up off the floor when I hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Why are you screaming at me Joanne?" Thomas' gorgeous face appeared before me, looking rather annoyed if I do say so.

"well I wouldn't feel the need to shout at you, if you hadn't left the front door open. Which by the way, led to me hurting myself!" I could hear the sarcastic tone in my own voice and cringed a bit, not wanting to be horrible to someone that's helped me so much. Looking at him, his face changed to confused.

"I didn't leave the door open Joanne? you know I lock it every time I come in?" hearing the truth n his voice and knowing that he did do that, I could tell he wasn't lying. Now its my turn to look confused.

"So why was the door open? I had fell on my ass before I even had to chance to open the door, I wouldn't even have fallen if it was shut!" I look up at him as push past and start heading for my room, time was of the essence and at this rate, I was going to be late. I turn back around to look at Thomas because he was taking to long to answer me, I caught him sniffing the air around him. Weird.

"Maybe I left it open by accident" Noticing he wasn't turning to look at me, the feeling that he was lying to me came across strong so I just walked away and decided to ignore him. I headed straight for the bathroom after chucking everything on my bed, after I had freshened up, I only had an hour left to actually look presentable.

Pulling out the outfit I had chosen from the carrier bag, I gave it another look and seriously, I don't know how I thought I could ever even think of pulling the outfit off. Quickly chucking it on, I walk over to the mirror. It was a black tie front playsuit, showing off my long legs but keeping everything else hidden but showing off the curves I did have. It didn't actually look horrendous but it will look better when my face and hair done. Considering the play suit was quite obvious and stood out, my hair needed to be simple so I shoved it into a 'neat' messy bun, allowing small strands to come out to make it look less office like, after spraying some hair spray I step back looking at my handy work, which I was actually happy with. For the make-up I just did a natural look but with my usual winged eyeliner, I really suck at make-up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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