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"Hello? Anyone here?" I yell soon realizing I was in some sorta cellar my instincts kick in and I start to pull against the rusty iron chains I wince remembering the pain on my leg I look down to see my leg had an redness on it not a deep wound just looks like I scraped it. I soon hear footsteps and I'm tempted to pretend to be asleep but I stay away alert.

"So your awake" I hear a familiar voice say but my head herts to bad to put it to a face.

"No really?" I say sarcastically snapping which was probably a bad idea

"Don't get smart-assy with me" says a different yet familiar voice

"Sam Dean she just got shot with rock salt and beaten up " I hear my grandpa say.

"GRANDPA!!" I scream looking around for him

"It's ok pay your gonna be alright we just gotta do some tests to make sure it's gone" he says coming into the light.

"What's gone?" I say a little scared and confused "and did u really shoot me with rock salt!?! Wait I think I know what's going on...." I look at my feet "was I...... possessed???...." I look at the two guys a little older than me in the eyes

"Yep it was a bad demon too surprised your still alive" one of the guys said I think his name was Dean. Who looked like he wanted to kill me then and there. But there was still a quality that made me feel... Different.

"I wouldn't go THAT far but you could've been very injured" Sam said his sweaty curls hanging over his eyes in a cute way that made me swoon a little "I'm Sam." He said holding out his hand

"I would shake your hand but I'm kinda in chains" I say pulling at the rusted iron links

"Haha oh right.." Sam said pulling his hand back embarrassed making me giggle on the inside

"Ok to make sure your not a demon you need to brake the chains" Dean said breaking our gaze

"BUT THIS IS SOLID IRON NO WAY I CAN BREAK THROUGH THIS STUFF!!" I say looking at him like I just saw a pig fly

"Yes you can" Dean said his eyes meeting mine for a split second "just try"

I pull at the chains my wrists turn red from the pressure they leave I soon get aggravated and try to slip my wrists out through the chains my wrists slip through without ease though my knuckles start to bleed and I untie my legs that were tied together with a rope that for some reason is wet so I smell it and it smells sorta like salt water it burns the cuts on my knuckles. I grab the handle to the door and pull it open this whole room had been made of iron so I walk out and see a staircase that I walk up and hear some words

-"She needs to be kept out of danger!"

-"that's why you guys need to train her to hunt"

-"she might get hurt"

-"I trust you guys to take care of her after I die she is gonna be totally alone without training and she already is getting hunted!"

-"we'll do it"

-"fine on one circumstance"

-"what is that"

-"you pay for the next tank of gas"

-"You got it"

I hear them coming closer to the door so I hide behind it and get ready to run

The door opens and I see Sam Dean and my grandpa walk in so I make a jet to the door and close it behind me but as I'm running I feel Sam's strong arms wrap around my waist and put me back in the room

"Trying to escape huh?" San said smiling at me

"Psh what no I was just going for a run" I say rubbing my wrist where the chains bruised them

"Right.." Sam said his eyes sparkling making me all warm and fuzzy on the inside


Heyy guys how's it Goin so far vote comment and all that stuff so yeah I'm gonna go now later

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