Chapter five

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Mead Heard.

psychiatric rehabilitation centre.

' here safety and health finds all'

My god. They should just stand someone out side with a sign that said 'welcome to the end of sanity' though thats probably why half of these people are in here. My mother wasn't giving empty threats, as soon as the words had left my mouth she grabbed an old duffle bag that was stuffed under my bed from camping when I was twelve and shoved every piece of clothing I owned straight inside. She practically dragged me to the car by my hair, though I wasn't protesting or anything. all the while my dad was shouting, "Mara, Mara!" It didn't do anything though, my mother wears the trousers where decisions are concerned. The only thing my dads shouting did was attracted the unnecessary attention of next door.

And now I find myself lugging my duffle bag through the entrance of Mead Heard, mother and doctor Wistar in tow. White walls, blue floor cream ceiling. How lovely.

A tall woman with bleach blond hair and a plastic smile stopped filing her nails when we approached the desk.

"Welcome to Mead Heard, doctor Wistar how nice to see you again." Her name tag said, 'hello my name is Claudia' and she was positively beaming with some kind of fake flawless manners and optimistic pleasantries. I automatically hated her.

"Hello Claudia, mustn't stop and chat I'm afraid. New admission today. This is a Miss. Adelaide Byson. I believe I sent through the right files about an hour ago." He cleared his throat and Claudia typed something into the computer at her desk.

"Yes her files are here, room E on the first corridor. Your working in correspondence with Antony."

"What, Chantal's new intern? "Doctor Wistar looked puzzled for a moment.

"Yes Max, Chantal thinks he's highly capable of Miss Bysons case. I wouldn't worry." Claudia smiled, thin lips and all teeth. She passed Mr. Wistar a large green folder with my name printed on it in black capitals. We walked to room E, and the large bronze letter seemed to make something inside me snap, like the metal was soldering its self to me.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"No. No mum, I want to go home, don't. Don't make me do this please. I cant handle this, when I step through this door that's it." I was talking fast, the panic rising in me. Like a beast clawing its way up from my stomach to my throat. Choking me. If it reached any higher the beast would come out in sobs, and I would probably bolt like one to. Straight for the door.

"What are you talking about. You were rather complacent on coming here thirty seconds ago Adelaide." My mothers tone didn't soften as I tried hard to suppress the hysteria.

"When I walk through there, that door. There's no going back, mum that's it! You don't see it like I do because once I've walked inside here you'll walk out the other and wont look back, wont turn around. But me, I'll be stuck here no were to go doing exactly what these medical trained barstards think is best for me, and when there done with me I'll get to walk out of the same door you did months before hand and I wont be the same, not then not ever again. And I will never forgive you!" I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, but I could also feel the overwhelming heat in my face, flushed with anger. In my moment, I hadn't realised the door to room E had opened.

There , lent one shoulder against the door way stood a man. If you could call him that. He looked barely nineteen. He must of been another patient, there was no way he could actually work here! But the lanyard around his neck stated other wise.

"Hello, Mr.Wistar. I'm Antony. I'm sure Claudia told you about my positioning with your patient, is that her?" His voice was deep, maybe he was older than he looked. He inclined his head in my direction indicating the her he was asking about. I swiped at the tears drying on my face. Mr.Wistar nodded in response and Antony reached his had out to me, I took it.

"Adelaide, right?"

"Yeah." my voice was small. No mater who these people are or how they are with me. I will not be civil with them. It will be my only act of defiance I can have. Antony smiled at me gently, raising an eye brow, almost sarcastically.

"Well let me introduce myself properly. I'm Antony and ill be your medically trained bastard for your time here." I couldn't stop the snort of laughter escaping me.

thanks for reading as always I really appreciate comments :) mee

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