Chapter five

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Ok yesterday was terrible. I only talked to him once. Jesus. I walked to my locker. "Hello Dean"a voice said. I turned around and saw Meg. "Hello Meg"I said. She smiled. "I'm having a party. You are invited "she said. I raised an eyebrow. "When?"I asked. "Soon"she smiled. I laughed. "When is soon?"I asked. She giggled.

"Sunday"she said. "It's Friday "I said. She nodded. "Bring little Winchester. "She winked. "How you two are friends. I will never know"I whispered. She laughed. "He can be honest and tell me his secrets. And not get worried about me spreading them. "She said. "Whatever. I'll ask him"I said. "Don't ask. Bring. And make him bring his little girlfriend to"she winked. "Ok"I said. She started walking away. Then stopped and turned around. "Also Clarence will be there. So better come"she added and continued walking.

I shook my head. I opened my locker. "Hey dean"a voice said. I rolled my eyes. "Why do you bother me?"I asked. "Because you secretly love it. And you secretly love me. Why don't you admit it. No one is gonna hate you"Jo said. I shook my head. "No. Gross and can't admit something if it isn't true"I said. She shook her head.

"Whatever you love me. So going to Megs party?"she asked. I shrugged. "Why do you care?"I asked. "Cause drunk Dean is even hotter dean"she whispered in my ear. I gaged. "You disgust me"I said. She winked. "Admit it. You want me. "She said. "I literally just said no. Want me to say it in Spanish. No"I said. She smiled. "What are you into that crazy kid?"she asked.

I thought about it. "Matter of fact"I closed my locker. "I am. And I actually stopped the Bet. Cause I want to get to know him. And actually date him"I lied. "Really?"she asked. I nodded. "And he isn't crazy. He's just being him"I said. She laughed. "Dean don't lie. "She said. "I'm not"I said. "Ok. Prove it. "She said. "How?"I asked. "Start dating him. And when you do. I will leave you alone. And I will stop flirting. And act like a cousin "she said. I thought about it. What am I doing.

"What if he doesn't want to date me?"I asked. "I'll still leave you alone. If you actually get to know him. And actually show you like him. And if you ask him out and he says no. I will still believe you. And will still leave you alone"she said. I let out a sigh. "Fine"I said. She held out her hand. "But if I find out it's a lie. And he ends up liking you. I'm gonna tell him about the Bet with Sammy. And ruin any chance you have to win the Bet. I promise you that"she said. Ok there it is. "Even if he die at like you. I'm gonna make sure your friendship. If you have one. Is ruined. Understand "she said. I nodded.

I shook her hand. She smiled. "And you have to date me. At least try to. You'll end up loving it"she winked. I tried not to throw up. I nodded. "Deal"I said. "Deal"she smirked. And walked away. "What the hell did I just do?"I whispered. I shook my head.

Time skip
"Your an idiot"Benny said. I nodded. "Completely stupid "he added. I nodded. "I mean. Do you even have a brain?"he asked. "Ok. I get it"I said. He shook his head. "What happens when she finds out its all a lie?"he asked. I explained everything to him. "Jesus brother. "He said. I nodded.

"See ya later"he said. I nodded. I walked towards science. And sat down in my seat. Castiel walking in right after. "Work on work"Miss Rowena said. Everyone started.

"So. Have any interests?"I whispered to him. He gave me a look. "Do you?"I asked. "Why am I gonna tell you?"he whispered. I shrugged. "What do you hate?"I asked. "Right now. You"he said. I smirked. "Come on"I said. He rolled his eyes. "What can you not do?"I asked. He gave me a look. "Come on. I'll answer the questions to"I said. He smiled.

"Reading. I love it. Love how it takes you to another world. To ignore the real one"he whispered. "So you enjoy the library?"I asked. He nodded. I smiled. "I don't really hate anything. It's weird "he answered. I nodded. "What can you not do?"I asked. He looked down in embarrassment. "It can't be that bad"I said. He nodded. "It kinda is. "He whispered. "Come on. I won't laugh"I promised. He smiled. And shook his head.

"I can't..."he whispered the last part to much. "You can't what?"I asked. "...."he mouthed something I didn't understand. "What?"I asked. "I can't...."he paused and took a deep breath. "I can't swim"he whispered. "You can't swim?!"I said a little bit to loud. Miss Rowena stared at us. "Sorry"I whispered. She nodded.

Castiel covered his face. "How do you not know how to swim?"I whispered. He shrugged. "I never learned. And it kinda scares me. A lot"he whispered. I tried to hold back laughter. "Don't laugh"he said. I shook my head.

"Ok. You answer"he said. "I like to work on cars. I want to be a mechanic. "I answered he first question. He nodded. "I will have to get back to you on hate. "I said. He smiled. "I can't. Well. I'm gonna change this. But. I'm afraid of dogs"I said. He laughed. Miss Rowena looked at us. "You two. Detention after school. For the rest of the year on Fridays. Understand "she said. We nodded.

"Now work"she said. We nodded. He looked at me. "Dogs?"he asked. I nodded. He chuckled. "Wow"he said. I chuckled. "Says the person you can't swim"I whispered. He shook his head. "Does that mean you don't watch dog movies?"he asked. I chuckled. "No. Beyond terrified. All dogs go to heaven scared the crap out of me"I joked. He nodded. "Hmm. Well I don't watch movies that have the ocean. "He joked. I chuckled. "Really?"I asked. He nodded. And chuckled.

"Boys. Work"Miss Rowena said. We nodded and got back to work.

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