Chapter six

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It was Sunday morning. And I'm still debating about going to the party. I'm sitting on the couch. Watching TV. Then Sam stood in front of me. "We are going to that party"he said. I gave him a look. "Why?"I asked. "Because. Adam is going. And he needs help with this guy that he likes. And I'm helping him. "He said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Is Ruby going?"I asked. He nodded. "That to"he said. I laughed. "Fine. But we leave when I say we leave. K. "I said. He nodded. "We have time so. Just sit. Do something "I said. He nodded.

Time skip

"Remind me again. Why I'm picking up this kid?"I asked. Adam groaned. "Cause he is hot. And I like him. It's also his brothers"Adam said. I looked at Sam. He shrugged. "You agreed"he told me. "To go to a party. Not drive people."I said. "It's only Gabe and Alfie "Adam said. Sam gave Adam a look. I laughed.

"Now I'm ok with it"I said. We waited a few more minutes and then Gabe and the other kid that Adam likes shows up. Gabe gets in front and the other kid sits between Adam and Sam. "So Cas coming to the party?"I asked Gabe. He smiled. "He was already with Charlie and Meg. "He answered. I nodded.

Time skip

I parked at looked at the house. Then looked at the three freshman in the backseat. "No drinking. No drugs. Understand "I told them. They nodded. "Good. Remember we leave when we leave. "I said. "You sound like a mom"Gabe said. "What would you say?"I asked. "Same thing"he nodded.

"Yep"I whispered. We got out and walked inside. Something good isn't gonna happen tonight. I got that feeling. "Winchesters. Novaks. Welcome to hell"meg smiled.

Few drinks and mistakes later

"Dean"Lisa ran to me. I smiled. "Hey girl"I laughed. She hugged me. "Why don't you talk to me?"she asked. "You've been busy with the new guy"I smirked. She punched my shoulder. I laughed. "Speaking of new guy. A little red head told me you have a liking to someone"she said. I rolled my eyes. "Charlie doesn't know anything "I whispered. She gave me a look.

"Whatever Winchester. I must go now. But see you at school"she said. I nodded. She kissed my cheek and walked off. I smiled. I looked around. Then finally saw Cas talking with Charlie. I took a deep breath and walked towards them. "Hey"I said. He looked at me. Then looked down. "Dean. How are you?"Charlie asked. "Good"I said. She nodded. "Cas. Sorry but I must go. Hot chick. Like really hot chick"she ran off.

I laughed. He shook his head. "Wow. That shows how good of a friend she is"he said. I nodded. "So. I didn't work. Actually didn't think you were a party person"I said. "I'm not. I rather be at home. Reading. "He answered. "Oh. Well I'm glad your here"I said. He smiled.

"Who was miss hugs a lot?"he asked. I smirked. "You jealous Cas?"I asked. He let out a huff. "No. Just asking"he said. I held back a laugh. "My best friend. Lisa"I said. He nodded. "I thought Benny was your best friend "he questioned. I shrugged. "I have more then one best friend Cas. "I said. He nodded. "Of course. Just asking"he said. I bit my lip.

"Who did you bring?"he asked. "My brother. His best friend. And your brothers"I said. He nodded. "Sam seems nice"he said. I smiled. "He has a good heart. "I said. He nodded. "He's innocent to. I'm worried about him. So many people can take advantage of him "I said. "He's strong. You shouldn't worry"he patted my back. I smiled.

In the corner of my eye. I saw someone walking our way. It was jo. "Shit "I whispered. I grabbed his hand. "Dean?"he questioned. I quickly started walking. He followed. Not that he had a choice. We finally made it to the other side of the house. And I didn't see her. "Wanna explain Winchester?"he asked. "A girl named Jo. Who is like a sister to me. Keeps flirting with me. And I didn't want to talk to her. "I said. He nodded.

"And I didn't want her to talk to you"I added. He smirked. "Really now?"he asked. I nodded. Then I started to hear yelling. "Um. "I looked at the stairs. I saw Sam running down. I looked at Cas. Then Gabe ran down the stairs. "Sam"he yelled and followed him outside. I followed and Cas behind me.

"Sam"Gabe said again. Me and Cas were at the door. "What. What do you want?"Sam asked. "Are you ok?"Gabe asked. "Leave me alone"Sam cried. "Sam. She was taking advantage of you"Gabe said. My eyes widen. "Shut up"Sam said. Sam started to walk again. "Go get Sam. I'll talk to Gabe"Cas said. I looked at him. "No. You get him. I'm talking to Gabe"I said. He nodded and ran after Sam.

"Gabe you need to talk"I said. He nodded.

Memory Gabes POV
"Hey Adam where's Sam?"I asked. "Last time I saw him was with Ruby. Somewhere"he answered. I nodded. I looked around some more. Then finally went upstairs. I opened a few doors. Saw some things that will cause me nightmares.

Then I opened one door to see Sam putting a shirt on. I saw Ruby smiling. I looked at Sam again. He had tears. "What the hell did you do to him?"I asked. She laughed and walked out of the room. He looked down. "Sam. What did she do?"I asked.

He laughed. "What do you care"he ran pasted me. "Sam"I screamed.

End of memory back to dean's POV

I looked at him. "Damn it"I whispered. He nodded. "I'm sorry dean"he whispered. I ran after Cas and Sam. When I caught up. Sam was crying and hugging Cas. It looked like Cas didn't know what to do. He looked at me. "Help"he mouthed. I rubbed Sam's back.

"Hey baby brother"I said. He looked at me. "Gabe told me. It's ok"I said. He hugged me. "Come on. We'll get Gabe. Adam. And Alfie. Then we can go home and. We won't tell anyone. This will be our secret. Until your ready. Ok"I said. He didn't say anything. Then we started walking back to the car. Cas and Gabe got the others and we all got in the car. "Need a ride. We can fit another person. If someone sits on someone else's lap"I told Cas. He shrugged. "I don't want to stay. So sure. "He smiled.

Alfie ended up in Adams lap. Which ended up with Adam passing out. Sam in the middle and Gabe next to him. Cas in the front with me. I dropped them off and drove home. Sam ran straight to his room. I didn't know what to do. So I walked to  room and just went to bed.

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