Chapter 1

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Hermione POV

I hate them. I hate them all. My parents were killed by their own friends. Killed because they were a distraction, because I traveled every day to see them in the muggle world. The Order need to pay for what they have done. I will make them suffer.

3 hours earlier.

I was in the muggle world heading over to my parents house. I stopped on the corner as I saw two ambulances and a lot of police officers parked outside of the house. I ran over.
"What happened?" I demanded.
"Sorry we can not tell you unless you are family." The police officer said.
"I am family. They are my parents." I said.
"Oh. You better sit down." He lead me to one of the cars and I sat down on the seat.
"Well we were called by neighbors. They were saying that they heard screaming and shouting then after an hour it stopped and then we were called. We went in to investigate. There was nobody there besides the dead bodies of Mr and Mrs Granger. There was a letter it was addressed to a Hermione. Is that you?" He asked. I nodded slightly. He walked away and came back with a piece of parchment then gave it to me. I looked at it the word 'Hermione' written in cursive letters. I opened it. It read,

Dear Hermione,
               We are really sorry that we had to do this. They were too much of a distraction to you. I know they were good people but it was for the best. They make you take time off and you can't help us for when we need to plan how to defend ourselves from the Dark Lord. We hope that you understand why.
From Kingsley Shackbolt.
(Minister of Magic)

My jaw dropped the tears were running down my face. The Order killed my parents and said that it was for the best. I hate them. I took off for a few hours and sat on a park bench letting the tears fall. People kept looking at me but I ignored them I didn't care what I looked like at this moment in time. I went back to 12 Grimmauld Place without being spotted and packed all of my belongings into my beaded bag with the undetectable extendable charm on it. I apperated to Diagon Alley but I was really sad and I didn't want people to see me, yeah I didn't mind people I didn't know but I might know someone here so I turned down Knockturn Alley. I know I shouldn't have but I needed to go to a less crowded place.

I walked into a bookstore which sold Dark books. I picked up a book and sat down. I started reading. It felt like hours before I was drawn away from the book by a voice.
"What would a measly little mudblood like yourself be doing here?" The voice said.
I lifted my tear streaked face up to be looking in the eyes of Lucius Malfoy.
"I'm reading." I say.
"Don't you think I can see that? I mean what are you doing in Knocturn Alley why aren't you with the Order. After all you are little miss perfect, the Orders pet." He said.
"I hate the Order. They killed my parents." I said.
"And why should I believe that?" He said. I pulled out the parchment that the police officer gave to me. He took it and read it.
"Sorry for your loss." He said. "What are you going to do now? Do you have a place to stay? Any other relatives?" He asked.
"Well I want the Order to pay for what they have done. But as far as I know I am gonna probably sleep in a muggle b&b for a night because that's all I can afford. I don't have any other relatives at all." I explained. He looked at me with pity. Well as much pity as you could get out of Lucius Malfoy.

He looked like he had just thought of something.

"How badly do you want revenge on the Order?" He asked.
"Really bad." I replied.
"Well how about you come to Malfoy Manor with me and talk to the Dark Lord. Maybe he will let you join our ranks." He said.
"Really?" I said.
"Yeah. Come along. We shall go right away." He held out his arm, I took it and then we apperated to the manor. We walked up to the front door and Lucius opened it.
"Thank you Mr Malfoy for doing this." I said.
"No problem and please Miss Granger call me Lucius." He said kindly.
"Ok thanks Lucius. And please call me Hermione." I said back.
"Ok then Hermione. I'll get Draco to give you the tour." He said before calling "Draco!" Up the stairs. A few seconds later Draco came down the stairs.
"What is it father?" He asked. He looked at me and gave a confused look.
"Hermione will be staying with us for a while. Please show her to the guest room near your room and then please give her a tour of the house." Lucius said to his son.
"Yes father." He replied.
"I'll see you two later then." He said before walking off in the opposite direction.
"So Granger why are you staying here? My father finally caught you?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"No your father has actually been really kind. He has taken me in because I'm basically homeless." I replied.
"What about wherever the Order is? Don't you always stay there?" He asked. Boy did he have a lot of questions.
"Not after what they have done to me." I said.
"What did they do?" He asked.
"They killed my parents and then left me a letter telling me that it was for the best and that they were too much of a distraction for me." I said. Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes. There was an awkward silence.
"I'm sorry for the loss Granger." He said.
There was another awkward silence.
"So I'll show you to your room." He said. He started to walk up the stairs and I followed. He came to a stop.
"So this is my wing. Well our wing now but this is where our rooms are." He pointed to a door, "That's my room. That one," he pointed over to the door opposite, "Is yours. Blaise normally stays here because his mother isn't really bothered that she has a son, that's his room," he said pointing to the room that is next to his.
"I'll let you unpack whatever things you have with you then I'll start the tour." He said.
"Thanks." I said. I walked into the room and it was beautiful. There was a big queen sized bed in the middle of the room, there was a balcony that gives a gorgeous view of the garden, another door that leads to a hue walk in wardrobe, there was another door next to the wardrobe and it was a bathroom. This room was amazing. I quickly unpacked all of my things I walked out of my room and knocked on Draco's door.
"Ready for the tour?" He asked.
"Yep." I replied.

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