Chapter Fifteen- Pregnancy Test

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| Chapter Fifteen |

|| Autumn's P-O-V ||

I sit in the doctors office waiting on them to call me in; to see the doctor. Two months had past and I was here for a pregnancy test. I was supposed to come last month, but things at work and school came up.

I sat in the chair looking at my stomach. I had gained some weight,not a lot, but I noticed. Could there be a growing fetus in there already?

Over the last month I've been kinda excited about possibly having a child; best now than later when I'm almost old and wrinkled.

Anthony had been acting weird lately. He installed more cameras in the house. I mean he already had more than enough. Then he started locking everything up from his office to the refrigerator. When he told me, I didn't believe that he could put a lock code on a refrigerator; he showed my ass. Now, you can't get into anything without putting in a key, code, or fingerprint. I'm surprise we can watch television without typing something in.

He's hiding from something, but he won't tell me. He says "You don't have to worry about it, I have it under control;" and I'm just like what the hell is "it" anyway?

"Ms. Banks?" one of the nurses called. I got out of my seat and followed her through the door she had came out of. I hate coming to the doctors. First, you have to seat in a waiting room with boring magazines and with people that look you over to see what's wrong with you. Also, it feels like winter in the place.

"Go right into Room 78" the nurse said. She was cute, and preppy; with her golden honey blonde hair. I wonder if she is a real nurse or just one of those "one degree nurses". I walked into the room and sat on the bed thingy. I hate these, too. They're hard and they have that annoying paper on them.

  I waited for about 10 minutes before the doctor finally decided to make it down my way.

"Awww, Ms. Banks. I see you're here for a pregnancy test. So I'm going to need a sample of your urine." he said as he came in and sat on a stool that sat on one side of the room; way back in the corner.

I nodded my head. "Okay."

"Good news, we can run the test and give the results today and tell you how far you are. Ready?" he went on. He talked really fast as he looked at me through his bifocals. He was a man of age; gray hair and wrinkles, but still young enough to have his handsome looks.

"Ready." I said as I rubbed my hands on my pants.

"Woah, look at that. Engaged? Married? That's a really nice ring you have there. How long have you two been together?" he asked as he gently held my hand.

"Engaged, thanks, and a year." I said getting up from the table. I didn't mind him asking questions, but I was kinda excited and ready to get this over with.

"That's wonderful. My father always said the goal is not to get married, but to stay married." he said as we walked out of the room. "Alright, Ms. Banks. Congratulations, I have to go, but Kasey will take care of you, and I'll be back with your results." he said as he walked into another room. His words had touched me, 'The goal is not to get married, but to stay married.'

The nurse that assumed name was Kasey came around the corner and smiles at me warmly. "Follow me."

I smiled and followed her down the hallway to a room in the back that had a built in bathroom.

"I'm going to need you to go in the restroom and urinate inside this cup here. After that you're set free, and the doctor will come shortly after to give you your results. Ready?"

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