7. Wine & Jealousy

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{Adelina POV}

Later that day, Cristiano was able to put in word for me and got me an interview for the following day. I was still a bit taken back at how fast this was all coming together. All that was left for me to do was put on a good first impression and become officially hired. This all got me very excited at how fast and great everything was coming together. I never once thought I'd be able to actually be on my own.

For so long, I was dependent on other people to help me with the crazy obstacles I had gone through. After that one huge fight I had with Damien, I realized I needed to leave and find myself. Crazy to say, but I hadn't had a chance to be my own person. I was always focused on my boys. And yes, they are the light of my life, but I wish I could have done things differently.

With my newly found freedom, I am now able to do all the things I've never been able to do. For instance, find a new job. Any job I had previously was given to me through connections. As embarrassing as it is to admit, this was my first job interview. And boy was I nervous.

~ ~

The next morning, Cristiano offered to meet me at the building for any tips he had to give me. After dropping off the boys at school, my heart started pounding the closer I got to the building. As soon as I parked, I glanced over at the front enterance where Cristiano said he'd be. He smiled and walked over to my car as I exited.

"Just remember to smile and be yourself," he said, walking by my side into the building.

I smiled nervously, as I felt my heart ready to jump out of my chest.


We stopped in front of the door that lead to the conference room. Cristiano turned to face me, as he grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Don't worry. They're going to love you. Like I said, be yourself and you'll do great," he smiled.

I must admit, his mini pep talk got me feeling a bit more motivated than I was.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you again, Cris."

He droppped his arms and opened the door for me. I walked in, facing the gentleman that would decide my working fate.

{Cristiano POV}

I took a seat outside the office, waiting patiently for Adelina to come out. The hour felt like forever and it was starting to become nerve-wracking. Finally, the doorknob turned and her radiant smile was the first thing my eyes captured.

"I got it! I got the job!" she exclaimed happily. Spur of the moment, she jumped into my arms as I held her tightly. We stood there for a split second, before we realized what we had just done.

"Um," I said, clearly my throat.

I put her down and turned my body away from her, scratching the back of my head. "I'm very proud of you."

She didn't say anything at first; she didn't have to. From the corner of my eye, I could see that her cheeks were flushing red and that smile was trying hard not to expose itself.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

That one look, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"So," she said, interrupting the thoughts in my head. "How is this going to work?"

"Well, I would like for you to meet some of the guys. You know, just to get you comfortable with them."

I saw her smile from the corner of my eye, as we walked on by.

"That sounds like a nice idea."

"I'd just have to make some calls and we will see."

~ ~ 

It was to my luck that three of my team members were already in Portugal for a conference. Later that night, I was readying myself to pick her up at her home. This wasn't a big deal, but, I couldn't shake off the excess thoughts. Why am I nervous? Why was I feeling so strange? It was unlike me to feel this way about some girl I just met. And then my mind went back to when we had almost kissed.

I knew that it was 'in the moment', but what moment was that? I didn't know her well enough to even consider having feelings for her. But somehow I knew that there was something there. What was it? I don't know. Anytime I looked at her, my stomach did this thing. I wish I knew how to describe it to better understand what it was. Nonetheless, I knew I had to keep whatever this was out of the way.

By the time my thoughts had subsided, it was already a quarter to 7pm. I was clean cut with a well shaven face. I didn't put that much effort into my wardrobe, but I must say that I did look good.

I arrived at Adelina's place precisely at 7 o'clock, just as I said I'd be. As soon as the front door opened, I stepped out of my Audi Q7 and decided to meet her halfway. While I walked towards her, I could see the radiant smile gleaming from her face. I eyed her down, taking in every inch. She wore a grey, deep V-neck dress that hugged every curve perfectly. Everything about her was beautifully glowing.

"Wow, you look great," she said, just as we met.

I smiled at her. "Nevermind me, look at you. You look beautiful."

She blushed as she linked her arm with mine, as I lead her towards the car. I reached over with my freed arm and opened the door for her. Once in, I raced back over to the driver's side and we were off.

{Adelina POV}

Arriving at the restaurant, my heart started to race. I was feeling a bit anxious about meeting some of the players. It wasn't the whole team, but I had to make a good first impression. I knew they'd talk about me later on.

Cristiano led me towards the entrance of the restaurant, where we were greeted by a hostess. She matched our names on the reservation sheet and walked us to our tables. As we drew closer, three of the players came to my view.

"Hey guys!" Cristiano greeted. "This is Adelina. Adelina this is Gareth, Alvaro, and Sergio."

The guys each stood up and greeted me. While we all sat down, the waitress came by and we ordered our drinks and meals. As time went on, we shared many laughs and stories. It didn't take the guys long to get comfortable with Adelina; she was easy to get along with.

"So," Gareth said. "What brings you to Portugal?"

I paused for a moment. I didn't really want to tell my personal story to some guy I just met. I may be contradicting myself, but I didn't quite feel comfortable with the guys yet. As subtle as I could, I gave him a simple answer.

"Just life."

In that moment, we locked eyes for a split second. I could sense he wanted to know more. He flashed me a quick smile, just as he broke the stare. I smiled to myself before looking back up. I caught a glimpse at Cristiano, who was looking pretty upset at Gareth. He caught me staring, and immediately looked away.

What was that about?

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