8. Two Dates in 24 Hours

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{Cristiano POV}

I had to admit that the way Gareth looked at Adelina, had me feeling some type of jealousy. What I couldn't understand was why, if I barely had any feelings for her. I mean, I couldn't have any, I just met her. These thoughts running through my head kept me quiet for most of the night. Once it was over, I had my chance once again to be alone with her.

"Thank you," she said. I knew she was trying to break the silence. We were already halfway back to her house and it was purely silent.

"For what?"

"The ride, dinner, and especially the job."

"What are friends for?"

And there I go with that word again. I could swear I was digging myself deeper into the friend zone. But I could see her smiling from the corner of my eye.

When we reached to her house, I decided to park my car and walk her to her door.

"Aww, you didn't have to. You're such a gentleman," she complimented.

I smiled. "Yeah, but I wanted to."

There was that moment of silence. But this silence was different. It wasn't awkward or tense; it was the type of quietness that brought comfort with it.

"So," she said, breaking the silence. "I should be going in; I promised the boys I'd be home in time to tuck them in."

I nodded, remembering the same promise I had made to both my mom and Junior.

Adelina smiled, just as she started to turn away.

"Lina?" I blurted, grabbing her arm gently to keep her steady.


She had stopped in her place and turned to face me.

"Uh, how would you like to go out...say Saturday night?"

A sweet smile creeped on her face, with a form of pinkish blush following alongside it. "I'd like that very much."

Honestly, I was starting to doubt that she would agree to it. When I had accepted her answer, my smile matched hers. A feeling grew inside me like I had to do something. I leaned towards her, but careful not to overstep my boundaries, I kissed her gently on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Cristiano," she said, with a perked grin.

"Goodnight, Adelina."

{Adelina POV}

Even after walking inside the house, I couldn't shake the smile off my face.

"Mae!" I heard.

Josue came running up to me, with his brother following close behind.

"Shouldn't you boys be waiting for me upstairs?"

"Yeah, but we wanted to make sure Cristiano brought you home safe," Carlos said.

My smile grew a bit bigger as I wrapped my babies up in my arms. A moment after, all three of us walked upstairs into their bedroom. It was small and comfy, but big enough to fit two children's bed and some of their things. The each went to their own bed, as I sat down on the floor, to face both of my children.

"Mae, can we ask you a question?" Josue started, getting himself cozy under his Spider-Man covers.

"Sure, what is it?" I said, reaching out to tuck him in.

"You have to be honest!" Carlos blurted out.

I stifled a laugh and nodded in agreement. I then reached over to Carlos and tucked his Iron Man covers under his sides.

"Is Cristiano going to be our new dad?"

It took me awhile to really comprehend what Josue had just asked me. I couldn't really say what I wanted to say from the shock.

"What gave you that idea?" I asked, still a bit taken back.

"We saw you kiss," Carlos added.

I smiled to myself and stood up. "Get to bed now. Sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite."

"But is he?" Josue insisted.

I turned around to face them and smiled. "Just go to bed."

~ ~ 

The next morning, after dropping off the boys, I headed off to Starbucks again for my morning coffee and a video conference call. 

The job offer was a great opportunity to start off fresh again. One of the greatest benefits was that I would be working from home. Since the headquarter offices were in Spain, it was the last standing option. I was still grateful. 

After ordering my usual, I walked over and placed myself at a table that was towards the back. I took a sip of my coffee, flipping my MacBook open. 

"Is this seat taken?" I heard.

I peaked upwards from the screen and smiled. Gareth

"No," I said, setting down my coffee. "What brings you in here?" 

Gareth smirked and took a seat in front of me. "Just the rush of early morning."

I grinned and logged into the company website. I couldn't keep focused on the task at hand with Gareth just staring at me. It wasn't like I minded. Gareth was pretty cute to look at; handsome in fact. His hair was neatly groomed into a man bun, with his facial hair tracing his jawline. I glanced at his soft blue eyes, which held parts of the ocean. His smile, although slightly crooked, outshined the lighting in the room. 

I snapped out of my mind trip when I heard Gareth clear his throat. I quickly shied away when I realized that I had been staring. 

"I'm sorry, I j- I-. Sorry," was all I was able to mumble.

His lips formed a smirk as he snickered. 

"No, no. Don't apologize. You're cute when you're shy." 

My cheeks instantly heated up, just as I flashed a timid grin. I covered my mouth with the silence of my sweater and hid behind my laptop screen. He popped up and smiled. 

"I want to ask you something and you have to say yes."

I looked up from the screen and smiled at him. 

"And what if I say no?" 

"Then I'll keep trying until I get a yes." 

I rolled my eyes, followed by a goofy sigh. "What is it?"

"I wan you to be my date to a wedding. What do you say?"

I couldn't answer on the spot. I just stared at his smiley face until I realized my silence was rude.

"Um I don't know," I said. "I barely know you."

"Well there's the thing, I was thinking I could get to know you as my date."

He was right. He wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. I found it pretty impressive and kind of sweet. I smiled, looking up him. 

"Okay, I'll be your date."

His eyes lightened up. He got up and placed a kiss on my cheek. 

"I'll see you Friday then. I'll pick you up." 

I smiled to myself as he walked away and out of the coffee shop. And the more I thought about it, the more nervous I was becoming. But, I wasn't nervous about the date; I was more nervous about trying to pull off two dates... Oh boy.

Paradise In Portugal {Cristiano Ronaldo}Where stories live. Discover now