🌻Height Doesn't Matter To Dance🌻

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Requested by ememnekovamp
   You were getting ready for the night of your life. Bendy asked you to go with him to a club and you hesitated because, well, it was a club! Bendy convinced you that you didn't have to drink and he won't drink just for you. You blushed when you remember about that and you let out a sigh. You were going out with your crush. You started to crush on Bendy when he saved you from some thugs, even after his inkness attack. He went past his pain to help you. You sighed dreamily, but quickly changed your posture. Bendy was waiting for you! You grab your bag and head out the door.

   You walked towards the bar and Bendy waiting outside of it. He was looking up at the sky. You were getting closer to him and he finally noticed you. He waved at you with a smile on his face and you returned it with a wave as well. You stopped next to him and he motioned to the door and winked at you. "Ladies first," he said as he pushed the door open for you. You giggled and entered the club and saw that there was somewhat a lot of people. Bendy entered after you and held your hand. You jumped and blushed red, glancing at Bendy. His face seemed to be a little red too.

   Bendy walked you over to a table and you two sat in silence. Bendy broke it by asking how your day was and you chuckled. How more awkward can he make this? You two decided to get something to drink, but non-alcoholic. You ordered yours and Bendy whispered something to the waiter. The waiter and nodded and left the table. You gave Bendy a suspicious look and he just responded with a shrug and wink.

   You blushed and looked away. A couple minutes passed and the same waiter came back. He handed you your drink and placed two straws on the table. He gave you both a "enjoy your drink" look and left. You took a straw and placed it in your drink. You started to drink it, but you stopped when you noticed another straw enter your drink. You look up and saw Bendy have his straw in his mouth. He gave you a smirk and a wink. You blushed and started to cough out your drink. Bendy quickly went to your aid and patted your back. After your coughing accident, Bendy scratched the back of his head.

   "Sorry about that. I just thought that it'll be romantic if I did that," Bendy seemed to have blushed a bit. You did the same, but nervously laughed.

   "It's fine, Bendy. I know you didn't intend for that to happen. It was sweet of you to make the scene romantic, though," you say as you tilt your head to the side and give him a closed eye smile.

 It was sweet of you to make the scene romantic, though," you say as you tilt your head to the side and give him a closed eye smile

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   Bendy felt as if he was in an oven during the summer time. His face was completely red and he was internally screaming. 'OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD' You just gave him one of the cutest looks he ever saw in his existence!

 'OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD' You just gave him one of the cutest looks he ever saw in his existence!

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   He continued his internal screaming for three minutes until you lightly smacked his cheeks in a playful way. He snapped out of it yet his face was still a tomato. You grabbed your drink and looked back at Bendy. "Here, you can have my drink," you offer. Bendy hesitates before taking your drink. He drinks a quarter of it before giving it back to you. You give him a smile and he returns one back to you. Suddenly, a slow dancing song echoed through the club. Other people gathered to the dancing area and began to, well..dance.

   Bendy looked at you and you looked back at him. His face seemed to have been asking you to go dance with him. You look down at the floor embarrassingly and sit back at your seat. You weren't comfortable with dancing. You felt that you were too short for dancing. Heck, you were even shorter than Bendy! You were up to his neck! You slightly drank your drink as you lightly slid down your seat. Bendy saw your struggle and decided to wait for his chance. You placed your drink onto the table, but didn't sit back up on your seat. Bendy suddenly stood up, took you by your hand, and dragged you to where the other people were dancing. You blushed, but also tried your hardest to get back to the table. Bendy put his hand on your chin and looked into your eyes. He gave you a reassuring smile, which helped you calm down. 

   "Everything will be fine, (Y/n). Just focus on me," he whispered to you. You gave him a short nod. He smiled again and he gently pushed you to him so your head was resting on his right shoulder. Your left hand was on his other shoulder and your other free hand was in his. You two rocked side-by-side to the music. After two minutes of doing that, Bendy pulled away and twirled you. You blushed a bit at the sudden action. It was near the end of the song and Bendy then dipped you (IN SOME PUDDING! lol jk XD) and your face was beet red.

   "You're my quest, (Y/n)," he told you and kissed you. You eyes widened before kissing him back, and other people in the bar were either taking pictures, cheering, or letting out "aww's".

   That night, you learned how much height didn't matter to dance.


HELLO MY PEEPING OWLINGS! YES I AM NOW CALLING YOU GUYS THAT! So, I would like to apologize for my 'hiatus' and just posting mainly A/N's. Keep in mind, most of my A/N's are actually important things. So I hope you all enjoyed this one-shot and thank you all for 1K followers! Oh and today (9/16) is my 2nd anniversary of joining Wattpad! X3 I am so glad I found this website/app. My life changed for the better after finding it. I don't know what else I should say! I am so grateful! And if you guys think that you can't get better in writing books, just keep working! My writing was very cringey as a child, (and i'm saying 9 and 12 my writing was ughhh) but you all can see how much I improved! Thank you to everyone and enjoy your lovely, amazing lives!

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