🎄Christmas One-shot🎄

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I know that this one-shot is 3 days earlier from Christmas, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be home for Christmas and I don't know if I'll even get the chance to upload this on Christmas Day. So, you guys can either wait to read this on Christmas or read it now. Whichever you want to do doesn't bother me, its your choice. This one-shot was a collab with ZoeWantsToVoiceAct. I recommend checking her out! Feel free to give her some Christmas love and spirit! Now onto the one-shot!

       You and Boris were now making cookies for 'Santa'. Even though Boris was pretty mature for his age, he still believed in Santa Claus. Which you were kinda surprised that he didn't find out the truth. "He's gonna love these! Especially since you helped me make this (Y/n)! Your cooking is amazing!" Boris complimented. You chuckled to yourself

       "Yeah Boris. I bet Santa will love these cookies!" you smiled to yourself knowing that Bendy is going to be the Santa. Apparently, Bendy has been doing this so Boris can keep his belief in Santa (Zoe: Daww its adorable the little midget wants to keep his bro's innocence THAT WILL SOON BE DESTROYED AND DEPLETED. Hoodini: back to one-shot XD) . You found this pretty cute/adorable that Bendy would go out of his way to do that for Boris. Speaking of Christmas spirit, you wanted to express it by finally confessing your feelings for Bendy, but under a mistletoe. You blushed a little imagining Bendy kissing you under a mistletoe since you liked him for a long time, but that never came true when he unconditionally friend-zoned you. It hit you hard in the heart and since he kept him flirting with other girls with you witnessing it. You didn't really mind since you knew he would be better off with another girl other than you...

       "(Y/n), are you okay? You haven't said anything and you're crying," Boris snapped you out of your thoughts and made you come back to reality. You placed your hand on your cheek and felt a tear on your hand.

       "H-huh....? Oh, sorry 'bout that. Just..thinking..." you tell him as your voice slowly gets lower. Boris gives you a worried look.

       "Is it Bendy again?" Boris asks, his voice full of worry and concern for you.

       "H-How did y-y-ou kn-know...?" you stuttered out as your face lit up with a slight blush. Boris knew you had a crush on his older brother, but it was at some times that it was obvious when you clearly had feelings for him.

       "It wasn't that hard to tell when you're thinking about him. It's pretty obvious from your face," Boris simply responded with a small smug look on his face. This caused you to blush even more.

       "Yeah.....I still have a crush on him still, and it still upsets me that he flirts with every other girl, but me..." you tell him as your voice sounded really disappointed in yourself. Boris then suddenly hugs you, which causes you to jump a little in surprise, but hug back anyways.

       "I'm sure he does like you, (Y/n). Just give it time. It's Christmas after all! Have some Christmas spirit, will ya?" Boris jokes a little with you and lightly punches your arm playfully. You giggle and give him a small smile in return.

       "Thanks Boris, I really need that!" you cheerfully exclaim to the wolf. Boris gives you a closed eye smile and your conversation was interrupted by the oven, which made the two of you snap your heads towards it. Boris gasped with excitement. "They're done!" Boris shouted as he dashed for the oven, but then you grabbed him by the tail, stopping him in his tracks.

       "Woah, woah, woah, Wolfy. Slow yer horses! You'll get a burn for rushing so much. You'll need oven mits, safety first, okay?" you explained to him and he nodded in understanding. You and Boris got some oven mits and proceeded to get the cookies out of the oven.

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