Washed Up

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I was washed up so long ago, and now the cycle repeats.

I'm sick and tired of feeling this way. The time I spent and the love I gave, cannot be replaced.

But at least you feel the love I was never embraced in. 

All the time we spent, was it a lie? Was it, just a game? 

The time we spent together was precious, until I saw you again.

Alone we were, alone my heart was. An empty wasteland, dead and dry. 

My love hasn't ran out, but it has ran from you. 

Words mean things, silence is even louder. 

Washed up again and again, doesn't that mean anything? 

Of course it doesn't, not to you. Not to me. 

I am washed up, more irreplaceable patched are filled. 

I found someone who cares, loves, and is there for me. 

A shoulder I cry on, a shoulder I never had when I was with you.

A abusive relationship? I think not. We had something special, but it was washed up.

And here I am years later, fixed. I found someone who hugged all my broken pieces together. 

A family and friend, someone who cares. 

Our history is in the past, so why are you on your knees begging for me again? 

Don't think I'm taking you back, don't dwell in the past. 

Move on, I did. And you weren't even affected at the time. 

Did you realize the mistake- or fate? We aren't meant to be.

Sorry to break it to you, but yo've lost your chance. 

All those days and weeks I spent crying are gone.

I met someoone new, you should too.

We'll all be happy, this isn't a sob-story, it's life.

(Sorry for the weird letter/thing. I have recently lost something, it can't be replaced. I'm just getting over it)

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