Letters to you

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September 11th First Day Of Sixth Grade.

Dear You,

I don't know if I have made this clear- or that I am bugging you. But it is the first day of sixth grade; I have a crush.

I don't know if you care to read this or if you thrown in away and didn't even bother to notice the smilies and hearts in the envelope. But I do know you. I know you care more than you should. Last May, or the last day of fifth grade- you gave me a bouquet of lillies; my favorite.

Those flowers are long gone and have wallowed by now, but I still have them.

I don't even know why I am writing this at all. You will just crumple it up. Thou despite you don't know my name and even look my way- you know I exist.

Remember when I accidentally tripped and made a fool of myself? Yeah? I do too. That was the day I vowed I was something to you.

The fact you didn't laugh made me feel special in ways I had never felt before. I am twelve, and just a naive girl with long curly brown hair that aches for you to run your finger through it. I am weird and obsessive over then go fact you notice me.

And I love that.

Sincerely, yours.

September 11th, First Day Of Seventh Grade.

Dear you,

I saw you read the letter I wrote exactly one year ago today. You looked at every girl in North Hall- only to know I was next to you. My locker, was my shell. I had letters and letters in a shoe box under papers that were meant to be sent.

Everything turned out fine that year, we are friends. I want to stay this way to the end of my days, but I shouldn't. I will only hurt my self in the end.

You have a girlfriend, I know, that this is weird but your locker is still next to mine..

I see you lip-locking with her in the morning during passing time. My heart aches for your touch- though I get a hug each day.

Yesterday I commented on how you looked with your hat on. I stuttered the whole time- yea, but you listened.

Yearning for the thought that I want you to see me in other ways triggers thoughts I shouldn't be thinking about my friend.

I learned about a week ago you are moving next door to me.

I've seen you in the white house with the blue shutters moving in. I made brownies for you and your family that night.

I loved the fact you thanked me for being me.

Sincerely yours.

September 11th, First Day Of Seventh Grade.

Dear you,

I attended your grandmas funeral with you while you cried and cried over her gone now. I cried with you- she was an amazing person.

I had to wipe the fresh salty tears from your eyes that evening. You didn't go to school for that following week, you wanted me to stay with you.

Your ex-girlfriend stopped by that night to see you. More tears followed that hour when she left you on the doorstep bawling your eyes out again.

I was comforting you, I led you on. You kissed me.

And I liked that. Though I am a rebound girl- I was used to the fact that my heart has been broken so many times by you already, I haven't left.

I loved that.

Sincerely yours.

September 11th, The First Day Of Eighth Grade.

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