Life's a gift.
Don't take it for granite, but I suppose we all do in some point of our lives.
It's normal, but we aren't, although never in my lifetime there has been a point where I don't think about something that means something to me.
My friends, my family, and everyone around me. My neighbor -who I assume hates me- is the same.
(Sorry 'Mam!)
We all grow old, we make mistakes. Many, many mistakes, but we still move on. Days, weeks, months years even! We realize something that we wish we did a long time ago.
We all eventually are, born. We all have a first kiss. We all have our hearts broken, some more than others. We all get married (unless your a nun). We all may have kids. Than cherish that, the cycle is very simialr to mine, to my friend Symphony. My cousin, grandma, dad. Everyone!
LIfe's a gift, and one that can get snatched away from you today, tomorrow, and maybe years from now.
The past we can't change so don't look back. Once you've done something, that's it. The future is as known as aliens or zombies. A mass extinction, the day an a apocalypse happens. And we can't control.
The present, is called that for a reason. Because it is, thank people for the little things in your life, not just for getting a bike for your birthday whe nyou were 8. Not just having a sweet 16, and getting a car you can't drive untill a month and 2 weeks later.
Some people believe in the term 'Things happen for a reason'. Maybe it's true, maybe a stranger walks by and says your full of it.
But life's a gift, and don't forget. Unless you lose your memory, but even then all your senses are on high alert, so you will realize it sooner or later.
Yours Truly,
PoetryYours truly, wrote these. Read and find out my meaning, my point of view from life, my palace. The one place i feel at home, the one place I'm free.