The Start of The Dissaster...

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*Lucy's POV*
It's been months every since Lisanna came back... everyone has changed! The only people that actually talk to me is Levy, Gajeel, Wendy, Mira and the exceeds... without them... I wouldn't be here..

"Natsu! Let's go on a job!" Lucy smiled
"I'm good, I'm going on a job with Lisanna later." Natsu shrugged
"C-Can I join?" Lucy's smile then began to fade
"Only Mages can go on jobs Lucy!" Natsu snapped
"But I am a Ma-"
"Good Mages Lucy. Good Mages!" Natsu repeated

*Later that Day*

"Hey Lucy..." Erza said quietly
"I'm sorry..." Wendy mouthed behind Erza
Lucy was confused on what was going on
"Yah..." Lucy then looked up at Erza, Erza had her pissed off look. Erza would never EVER do that type of look to Lucy

"Lucy.. you know that Fairy Tail is the number 1 guild right?" Erza asked
"C-Correct..." Lucy stumbled
"And you know that Team Natsu is the strongest team in this guild right?"
"Well, there's something holding us back to becoming even more powerful..." Erza then stepped closer to Lucy
"W-What..." Lucy said while stepping back from Erza
"YOU." Erza kicked Lucy in her stomach
"YOU'RE KICKED OFF OF TEAM NATSU!!" Erza then left and headed to Natsu and Gray.
Wendy ran over to Lucy crying. She quickly healed Lucy and hugged her and started to cry.
"L-Lucy!! I know what you're thinking!!" Wendy cried
"Don't leave the guild please!" Wendy started to cry even more
"W-Wendy..." Lucy then pulled her in closer
"NO! I'M NOT LETTING GO!!" Wendy yelled
"UGHH!" Lisanna got up from her chair and ran over to Wendy
"Get up Wendy!" Lisanna yelled
"NEVER!!" Wendy cried
Lisanna grabbed Wendy and picked her up by force.
"NOOO!! ONII-CHAN!!" Wendy cried out while Lisanna was dragging her away
Lucy was shocked at what Wendy said
"Now, to deal with you.." Gray said while crossing his arms
------------End of Flashback----------

"I've had enough of what they've done! I'M QUITTING!"
I got all of my stuff and ran to the guild like a bunch of monsters were chasing me

*At the Guild*
I reached the guild. I quickly opened the door and ran through everything. I bumped into Lisanna, that stupid bitch. She made it look like I shoved her to the ground. She fell and started to cry.
"LUCY!!" Mira yelled
The guild started to follow me a throw magic. I reach Masters door and shut the door behind me

"M-Master" I said while catching my breath
"Y-Yes my child?" Master said while hiding his porno magazines
"I'd like to quit the guild..."
Masters eyes started to water, I can tell that he was trying to hold back his tears  
"Why do you wanna quit?"
I tell him everything that each and everything that everyone has done. I can see the anger and sadness in his eyes
"O-Ok my child... give me your hand.." 
I give him my hand. He started to chant something that I can't understand. My hand becomes numb and Master removes his hands off from mine. My hand was empty, there was not reason to look at my hand anymore
"Thank you Mas-Markarov" I walk out the door, I see everyone at the door and they start throwing magic at me. I run out of the guild leaving everything behind..

Loke/Leo comes out from thin air
"You called beautiful?" Loke smirked
He then see's his master crying. A LOT
"Princess! Are you alright?!"
"N-No." Lucy said while drying her tears
"W-What happened..... Princess... y-your hand!" Loke pointed out
"Oh! Ummm, I quit the g-guild" Lucy said crying even more
"Looks like this is going to happen sooner then expected....." Loke whispered to himself
"W-What do you mean?!" Lucy asked

----------To Be Continued....----------

That's all I've got for you my Cutee's!! Make sure to vote and add this story to your list! Make sure to follow me too!

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