3 Years Later....

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*3 Years Later....*
*At the Guild*

The Guild went back to normal 1 years after Lucy left. Natsu and Gray continued to fight, Erza started to eat cake, Wendy, Carla and Happy would smile, Elfman started to say "Man!"
Everything was complete again, they eventually forgot about Lucy and the light of the guild was held by "Lisanna"

(I like Lisanna but what I don't like is Nali, so I like to make her a good character in this story. No offence to all the Nali lovers tho!)

*Lucy's POV*
*In the Dragon Realm*

"Don't forget about us Princess Lucy!" Igneel roared
"Igneel, I told you this so many times! I prefer you calling me "Lucy" Lucy explained
"Make sure to summon one of us everyday!" Cloud said while trying to hold back his tears
"Aww, Cloud. I can always visit you guys! And maybe I can bring some of your children!" Lucy smiled
"Yes please! I'd love to see my little Wendy again!"Grandeeney said while drying her tears
"Make sure you beat my sons ass!" Metalicana smirked
"I will! But not to much!" Lucy giggled
"Get going child, it's time for you to be free again." Layla smiled
"Thanks everybody, for everything! I'll miss you guys. As family!" Lucy cried
"Don't worry Princ-Lucy! As we said! You can summon us anytime!" Celestia said while crying softly
"I'll miss you guys!"

Lucy gave everybody one more hug before she went into the portal
"I'll see you guys soon!" Lucy waved
"Come on Sparkles! Let's go and see Earth again!" Lucy smiled
"Aye!" Sparkle smiled back and follow her mother

*At Earth*

"Woah! This is so much different from the Dragon Realm!" Sparkles said while twirling around looking at the Earth

"Come on! Let's go pay a visit to some of my "Friends"
"Open! Gate to Fairy Tail!"
A portal opened up right in front of them and went inside

*At Fairy Tail*

"OI! Flame-Brain! Did you steal my shirt when I stripped?!?" Gray yelled
"ERZA!!" Wendy cried
"On it!" Erza went towards the fight and knocked the 2 Mages out

"Do you think you went a little over board?" Mira asked
"When it comes to these 2 idiots, Never" Erza chuckled
2 figures were standing at the doors, both had cloaks. 1 of them was taller than the other
"We'd like to speak to your Master!" The tall one yelled
"What's your business here in Fairy Tail?" Erza asked
"We just need to talk to your Master about a very important topic.." the short one said
"And what is this so called "Topic" Natsu asked
"Shut it Natsu! You may see him." Erza said with a glare.
As the 2 people walked passed by Erza and Natsu one of the whispered
"as stupid as ever Dragoneel...."the tall one whispered
"What?" Natsu yelled
By the time he yelled, the 2 people were already at Masters door.

*Master's POV*
I head a knock at my door and I quickly hide my porno magazines in my desk and yell "Come in"

2 people enter with cloaks on. They both remove their hoods and revealed their faces to me. I immediately burst into tears
"L-Lucy?" Master says whiletears fall down his cheek
"Told you I'd come back!" Lucy smiled
Master then ran to me and hugged me
"Are you here to join the guild again?" Master asked excitingly
"Yup! And I brought my "Dauaghter" she's an Exceed, but she calls me "Mama" so I just tell people that she's my Daughter
"Well, what's your name little one?" Master asked
Sparkles hid behind Lucy and closed her eyes tightly
"Sorry, she's shy when she meets people for the first time. But her name is "Sparkles" Lucy stepped aside to show Master Sparkles
"That's a beautiful name Sparkles!" Master smiled
"T-Thank you" Sparkles smiled
"Now where do you want your guild marks?" Master asked
"Can you do an ambre affect?" (Sorry, but I can't spell. Just bare with it tho)
"Yes we do! What colors?" Master asked
"On my right shoulder, Gold fading into a dark pink!"
"What about you Sparkles? Do you want it on your back the the other Exceeds?" Master asked
"Where will my mark be when I turn into my human form?" Sparkles asked
"It depends, you just have to think about where you want it to be once you turn human!" Master answered
"Can I try?" Sparkles asked
Sparkles turned into her Exceed form, she got the guild mark in purple fading into pink
She then transformed into her human form and the mark was on her left shoulder
"Great! Do you want me to introduce you to the guild?" Master asked
"Yes please, but I don't want them to know my identity. So I just go by Lilly Heart. And I'd also like to challenge Team Natsu, not including Wendy, Happy and Carla." Lucy asked
"No problem, let's go!" Master smiled
They walk onto the stage, Lucy and Sparkles both had their cloaks on.
"LISTEN UP YOU BRATS! We have new members! This is Sparkles Heart, and Lilly Heart!" Master announced
"Can we see what they look like?" Wendy asked
"Only a few people, but not the whole guild.." Lilly answered
"Why not?!" Natsu yelled
"Because it none of your business Salamander!" Sparkles yelled
"Master! How come you made them join! They aren't even Mages!!" Gray yelled
"I can't sense ANY of their magic Master!" Levy yelled confused
"But you do not know that! But you will soon find out because Lilly wished to challenge Team Natsu, not including Happy, Carla and Wendy in a fight!" Master yelled
"Is she looking for a death wish?!?" Wendy yelled
"No, I just think that it would be easy to fight these... how do I say this.... these weak Mages" Lucy smirked
"THAT'S IT LETS GO!!" Natsu yelled
"Take this outside! I'll be in my office if anything bad goes on!" Master turned around and walked to his office, he got stopped by Lucy and she whispered
"I know the truth now... you can tell Laxus everything now after the fight.." Lucy whispered
Master nodded and went into his office.

The whole guild went outside to see the fight....

------------To Be Continued-----------
That's a wrap my Cutee's! Make sure to Vote and add this story to your Lists/ Library and don't forget to follow me for more!

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