My Identity Is....

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*At the Guild*

"OI! Lilly, let's make a deal! If Team Natsu wins, you can either show the whole guild your identity OR you can just show my Team and I you identity. But if you win, you can show your selected people and show them your identity. Deal?" Natsu asked
"Why not! It makes things more interesting.." Lilly smirked
"Freed cast a spell so that no one gets to injured in this fight! If all of Team Natsu is K.O Lilly wins. If Lilly is K.O Team Natsu wins!" Mira explained
"Let's go Lilly!!" Sparkles cheered
Lucy smirked
"Ready....... Set......... FIGHT!" Mira yelled
Fire Dragon Roar!
Water Slice!
Ice Make! Canon!
"Re-quip! Heavenly Armour! Dance my 100 Blades!
Animal Soul! Tiger!
(Sorry if I got any of their attacks wrong, Mostly Erza... I don't remember what she says)
All the attacks combined into 1. They all aimed at the girl. The attack hit her, smoke surrounded her.
The smoke finally cleared and they saw, the girl standing there with no cuts, bruises, injuries ANYTHING!!! The whole guilds jaw Drops.
"I-Impossible!" Lisanna yelled while stepping back
"My turn!" Lilly smirked
Celestial Dragon Roar!!
The attack hit Lisanna and Juvia, they're both K.O
"A Dragon Slayer?!?" Natsu yelled
Ice Dragon Roar!!!
The attack hit the rest of the team, but only Natsu was standing there.
"W-What a-are y-you!" Natsu panted
"That's part of my identity." Lilly snapped
Fire Dragon Iron Fist!!
Natsu threw a punch, but Lilly caught Natsu fist and ate his flames
"Sleep." Lilly then punched Natsu in the gut and the whole Team was K.O
"W-WOW!!!!! WE HAVE ANOTHER DRAGON SLAYER!!" The guild yelled
"Wendy, don't over do yourself when you heal them please." Carla asked
"Don't worry Carla, Wendy doesn't have to do it.. I got it from here.." Lilly then started to heal Team Natsu
Rain on those who are in pain..... HEAL!
Lilly yelled, Team Natsu were healed in an instant.
"What happened?" Gray asked scratching the back of his neck
"Gray-sama!! Your clothes!!" Juvia yelled
"Oh Shit!!" Gray said while putting his clothes back on
"H-How d-did you? And h-how are we-"
"To many questions Dragoneel. I used healing magic on you guys to heal you. Also I won our battle. " Lilly then turned around and walked back into the guild
"I need Wendy, Mira, Levy, Gajeel, Laxus, and the Exceeds to follow me into Master office
The 9 people followed Lilly (Including Sparkles) into Master office
"How does she know my last name?" Natsu thought to himself
*In the Office*
"Master! I'm coming in with the selected people!" Lilly yelled
"Come in children!" Master yelled

"Sparkles, would you like to start?" Lilly asked
"I'd love too!" Sparkles then turned into her Exceed form
"W-What?!?!?" They all yelled
"Sparkles is an Exceed" said Lilly
Sparkles then removed her cloak to reveal her Exceed form
"Your just like Carla!" Panterlily yelled
"Yup!" Sparkles smiled
"Hello, I'm Carla. It looks like we're both stronger than that blue cat over there!" Carla smiled
"Aye! Wait what?!?!" Happy yelled
"What about you Lilly? What do you look like?" Wendy asked excitingly
"I'll show you, just promise me one thing, you'll never tell anyone who I really am." Lilly asked
"Promise!" They all yelled
"Fine." Lilly then removed her cloak
All their jaw drops
(Lucy looks like this)

"LUCY!!!" They all criedThey all hugged Lucy and Wendy and Mira started to cry"When did you get super strong!" Gajeel asked"Well, when I left

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"LUCY!!!" They all cried
They all hugged Lucy and Wendy and Mira started to cry
"When did you get super strong!" Gajeel asked
"Well, when I left. I trained with the Dragons and apparently I'm the "Celestial Princess AND the Dragon Princess" said Lucy
"WHAT?!?!" They yelled again
"HOW!!!" The yelled again
"Is there anything else we need to know?" Levy asked
"Umm, I'm what's called an "Elemental Dragon Slayer" which means I can use all of the Dragon Slaying magic out there. " Lucy smiled
"ELEMENTAL DRAGON SLAYER?!?! But I read that they don't exists!!" Levy yelled
"But that's just a lie, to hide the truth.." Lucy said in a serious voice
"Is this all we need to know?" Laxus asked
"Aye! But promise me, is you tell anyone about my secret. I'm in huge danger.." Lucy asked
"We promise!" They smile
"Great! You can go! But Laxus I need to talk with you about something important. " Lucy ask
They all leave except Laxus
"So, what's up." Laxus asks
"Laxus, I think you need to say hello to you little sister..." Master said
"Sister?" Laxus said confused
"I-I'm your little sister Laxus..." Lucy said softly
"How? I was with gramps my whole life!" Laxus yells
"That's what you think, but after Layla AKA Mom gave birth to me, they had to  much to handle, so they gave you to Gramps and they erased your memory...." Lucy looked down
"I-I'm sorry Laxus, that I didn't tell you before..." Lucy apologized
"Why are you apologizing? This is great news! I have a little sister!" Laxus smiled
"Wow! I never thought you'd react this way!" Master was shocked
Laxus hugged Lucy
"Don't worry, I've always wanted to have a sister.." said Laxus
"Thanks... Onii-chan!" Lucy giggled
"I can get used to that Laxus chuckled
"Ok, Ok, Ok! You can have sibling time later. Just get out of my office you brats!" Master yelled
"Yeah, yeah, Yeah. Thanks Gramps!" Lucy smiled
Lucy put her cloak back on and went out of the office with Laxus

*Laxus's POV*
I'm really happy that I actually have a sister! But not only that! It's Lucy!! Best day every!!!!!
But once we left the office we saw the guild asking the people who know Lucy's Identity who "Lily" really is. That pissed me off

The whole guild stopped to look at Laxus
Everyone went quiet and went back to what they were doing.
"Thanks Onii-chan" Lilly smiled
"No prob!" Laxus smirked

------------To be Continued------------
That's a wrap my Cutee's! Make sure to Vote and add this story to your Lists/ Library and don't forget to follow me for more!

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