Ch. 10 Screaming Torture

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Sorry for the late update guys :( I've been packing because I'm moving, my birthday just passed, and I've been having some personal issues to deal with. I'm sorry for the delay on The Haunted Touch also. I'm currently writing it's chapter too. Again I apologize and I'll be making a fan page on Facebook soon too for my account. I will be posting pictures for chapters of different books and also fan art will be posted from the books. So once I get the page up and running, feel free to send me fan art for any of my books. I will tell you guys further information later on :) enjoy..


Chapter 10 Screaming Torture

Listen to Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood

Shadows P.O.V.
Amy dropped the knife and stepped back in fear. I stood up quickly and walked over to the quivering hedgehog. I placed both of my gloved hands on her shoulders and looked into her shaky light green eyes.

"Amy?" I whispered in concern.

A couple familiar voices were giggling behind us. I turned around to see Sonic, Knuckles, Erin, Scourge, Tails, Jean, Rouge, Cream, etc.

Erin glanced around and finally spotted us. His eyes locked on mine and his expression turned from carefree to one with worry coursing through his eyes. He quickly pushed out of the crowd of our friends and walked swiftly over to us.

"What's wrong?.." Erin said noticing the knife on the floor, his eyes widened. He knelt down and picked it up. He looked back up to Amy who wasn't responding to anything.

"What happened?!" Erin said startling me a bit. I shrugged a little and gave my best explanation, "Well, we were sitting on that couch over there and all of a sudden her eyes went white. Well almost white, they were actually a very light green."

"She got up quickly and she kept looking at something and then a knife appeared in her hand. She dropped it and now she's not moving at all!" I finished.

Erin's eyes were fluttered with anxiety and fear, gambling with each other. His expression was one that I've seen him use when he was concentrating or thinking. Erin begun "She was holding this kni-"

All of a sudden my grip on Amy's right shoulder let go and her body went limp like a leaf finding it's way to the ground. I reached quickly for her hand and caught it, only leaving about five inches between the cold tiled floor and her fragile body.

I pulled her up, holding her close to my body. Her eyes still wide with the whitish eyes staring at nothing. Erin wrapped her left arm around his neck, motioning me to let go.

I let the warm small girl go. Her body fell onto his as he picked her up bridal style with a bit of a struggle. He nodded to the doors. I shook my head no, "Chaos control would be better."

He nodded and said, "Get the others first." I sighed and grabbed out my red chaos emerald from my front pants pocket and looked in the direction of our friends.

I whispered a simple phrase into the jewel and saw the small glow of red shimmer in my hand. First Sonic's head turned in my direction then Jean and one by one they looked at me.

Sonic sped to us and studied Amy over, "What the hell happened?!" Silver also ran to us with his eyes locked on Amy's motionless body laying in Erin's arms.

"I'll explain later." Erin whispered. The rest of the group came up to us and started asking questions. I got quite annoyed and just whispered "Chaos Control." To the red jewel.

The setting changed with a quick flash of light. We were in Erin's room now. Erin slowly and carefully walked over to his bed and laid Amy on it.

"Thanks for the heads up!" Scourge snarled while shaking his head, trying to make the dizziness disappear. I chuckled, "All well."

I glanced back to Erin who was brushing Amy's hair out of her eyes. He held his hand up and a wash rag made of blue fabric slowly appeared with a glowing blue aura surrounding it.

He wiped her right eye, removing the makeup gently. He then started to wipe her left eye but Blaze snatched the rag, "What the hell are you doing?!"

Erin growled out, "I'm looking for the mark!" Blaze stood stone still from hearing him say that. I walked over and glanced at Blaze while snatching the rag out of her hand. I knelt down next to Erin and wiped gently away her beautiful makeup.

"It took forever to finish that.." Blaze pouted. A black star was marked on her left eyelid. A small gasp came from Erin, "Shit.."

"What?!" Scourge said walking up to us with his chains clanking together with each step. He peered over us looking at the star, "It's a star."

"That's not just a star.." I whispered with a flick of fear guiding my voice through the air. Erin nodded, "That's a mark made by Mephiles... A mark enabling him to control her.."

My ears folded back with those words cutting through them. Sonic's voice whispered behind us to Tails, "Who's that?"

"I don't know." Tails admitted after a few seconds. "Looks like he only has her eyes at his command. But not for long.." Erin said with a bit of fear brushing his voice.

Amy's eyes flashed open with her vibrant green slowly fading back to life. Her breathe quickened with fear flushing through her eyes. She looked as if she just had awoken from a nightmare.

She was propped up by Erin and her eyes raced around the room. She felt around and soon found my hand. I grasped it tightly.

"Amy?!" Erin said. "What's wrong?!" Her eyes were still zooming around the room like there was nothing to focus on. Scourge carefully put his right hand up blocking everything from her sight.

I stood up to peer over his hand. Her eyes still glanced around with fear was if his hand never existed. "Amy?" I whispered.

"Sh-Shadow?! Where are you?!" She said feeling for me again. I place my hand on hers, reassuring her.

"Amy can't you see?" Tails said stepping forward. "Tails?!" Amy gasped.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Scourge said backing up. Amy couldn't focus her eyes at all. "Scourge's here?!" Amy said a little abruptly.

"Come here." I said looking over my shoulder to Scourge. "Why?" Scourge said not moving a muscle. I turned around swiftly and looked Scourge in the eye, "Just get over here!"

"No!! Your just gonna punch me!!" Scourge protested. Erin and I looked at each other and bursted into laughter. Amy squeezed my hand again.

Sonic was making faces to Silver liking children. "What are you two doing?!?!" I spat. Sonic jumped into Silver's arms like Scooby does to Shaggy. They both clung to each other in fear.

Jean started laughing, "How the fuck are you two straight?!?!" I chuckled to this but didn't get too distracted. I glanced back to Amy who still was glancing at everything.

I wrapped my arms around her, letting her snuggle into my puff of chest fur. Yeah.. I kind of didn't wear a shirt.. Just a jacket to the party..

She closed her eyes with relaxation filling her tense, small, warm body.

"Amy.. Can you see me?.." I whispered..

She shook her head slightly motioning 'no'.....

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