Chapter 12 Restricting Ropes

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Chapter 12 Restricting Ropes

Listen to Afraid by The Neighborhood

Erin's P.O.V.

After waiting about ten minutes by my locker I finally spotted Silver walking with the "gang". Amy was laying her head on Shadow's shoulder, which made it look like they were just a couple walking and nothing like she was blind.

She was wearing tight skinny jeans that were white washed with a black tank top that had a loose cardigan that was also white. She was wearing her hair down with sunglasses that were "in fashion".

Shadow smiled when he looked down at Amy. Shadow was wearing the usual, black jeans, a black tee with graphics, a leather jacket, and for the first time I've ever seen.. A true smile..

"Well someone's happy today, huh?" I said with a sly smirk. Shadow shook his head with the smile still upon his lips. I chuckled, "Mhmm, whatever your doing Amy keep it up. You somehow make everyone smile."

Amy giggled and separated from Shadow with her arms spread out. I stepped forward with a warm smile and wrapped my arms carefully around her.

I whispered into her ear, "I have a surprise for you.." As I separated I saw her eyes barely through the dark shades and they were lit up with excitement even without sight.

I backed up and swiftly opened my locker. I grabbed a pair of black glasses, the type that are big and are the cute nerdy style, and turned back to Amy and the group.

"What's glasses gonna do Erin? She's-" Scourge was cut off by Sonic swiftly pushing him. "What the hell?!" Scourge said to Sonic angrily.

"Just watch.." I said with a smirk. I held out my hand and the blue aura surrounded my hand and it quickly absorbed into the lens. The lens started to glow and slowly faded to the original glass color.

"Done." I said with a smile. I bowed with the hand that held the glasses out to Amy. "For you my dear." I said softly. Her hand felt around and finally bumped into mine.

She grabbed the glasses and took off the sunglasses. She slid them on and blinked a few times.

She just stared at me. "They.. Aren't working are they?" I said with sadness overwhelming my emotions.

She suddenly jumped forward and wrapped around me. "Oh I love you so much Erin!!!!" She squealed.

I chuckled when I saw Shadow and the other guys scowling at me. She lifted her head up and said softly, "Thank you so much."

I smiled, "Anything for you my dear amy." She blushed and leaned closer to me. My heart started beating faster. Her eyes slowly closed as our lips meant.

My eyes closed as a couple gasps sounded from behind me where the group was. Clicks of shoes quickly ran up to us. I opened my eyes to see Natalie ripping Amy out of my grasp by her quills.

"You bitch!!!" Natalie yelled. "I told you to stay the fuck away from Erin!!"

Amy screamed in pain catching the rest of our groups attention. Natalie dragged Amy away fast enough to where I couldn't catch up to her. "Sally told you not to touch our men!!" Natalie screamed in the distance.

Amy's P.O.V.

I tried to thrash out of her grip on my quills but I couldn't. I saw Erin trying to catch up but the crowd engulfed him. I saw Shadow, Sonic, Silver and the rest of my friends trying to push through the crowded halls.

Natalie rounded a corner and opened a door. We were outside now. I heard her snap her fingers and then more clicks of heeled shoes. I still thrashed and screamed in pain. "Oh shut it pinky!" A familiar voice snapped.

I looked over to see Sally with a metal baseball bat. Her glare pierced through me. We came up to a nice dark blue car and stopped. They pushed me against it and grabbed my arms. They tethered my hands together with ropes. Maria wrapped a rope around my legs.

Sally kicked the back of my knee causing me to fall. "Oops." She said with a smirk. Natalie folded a white cloth up and wrapped it around my mouth and tied it behind my head to create a gag.

They all chuckled and picked me up off the ground and chucked me into the trunk of the car. "See you in a bit pinky." Sally spat.

Maria slammed the trunk closed leaving me in the darkness. A few seconds later the doors opened and closed.

The cars engine started up and the car started to move. I screamed as much as I could but I was muffled from the gag. I kicked and hit my tethered hands on the walls of the trunk.

A tear strolled down my muzzle as I thrashed about. I stopped after a few minutes and cried. "Hmpl mhl!!" I tried to scream help me..

My eyes started to close as the blackness overwhelmed me. My eyes shot open and I was laying in a white room. Vivid green grass was around me but only in the shape of my body. I sat up to see a familiar pink hedgehog sitting next to me.

Her expression was saddened and her angel wings were drooped low. "I'm sorry Amy.." She said shakily. I looked around, "I'm back here again?"

She nodded, "In times of need you will come here." I nodded and cradled my knees close to my chest. "Have the others visited this place yet?" I asked. She nodded, "Yes, all of them. Shadow asked a lot more questions than any of the others. Watch.."

She held out her hand and I placed mine in hers. The setting changed back to our school. Shadow and Erin were still searching the crowd for me. "Shadow deeply cares for you Amy.. Even if he doesn't show it yet, you are his true love. Don't waste your time on the other boys.." She said softly.

"Is there a way he could come here?" I asked swiftly. The angel Amy sighed and replied, "Yes but he would faint in the real world."

"Please Amy, bring him here.. Or any of my other friends!!" I pleaded her. "As you wish.." She whispered something and I looked back to Shadow who fell to the ground. Erin and people started to gather around Shadow.

The image disappeared and we were back to the original room. I saw Shadow laying on the floor like I was with grass around him. I got up and ran over to him. I stopped when I came to Shadow and kneeled down and sat on my knees.

I picked up his head and rested it on my lap. His eyes finally flashed open revealing his ruby red eyes. "Amy?!" He said getting up quickly.

I smiled, "The one and only." I chuckled. "What the hell happened?!" Shadow said now sitting on his legs like me. I frowned remembering my current state.

The angel Amelia sighed and snapped her fingers. I felt a rope tether my hands together and another one tether my legs together. The cloth gag appeared in my mouth also. "This is her current state. Those girls have her trapped in a trunk and are driving her some where."

Shadows eyes grew with anger, "What?!" The ropes and gag disappeared. "They kidnapped you?!" He snarled.

I nodded and pushed my glasses back up, "That's why I asked her to bring you here, I need help." He came closer to me. "Where are they taking you?!" he said worriedly.

"The forest by the meadow close to your house Amy." The Angel Amy said. He nodded, "We will get to you Amy, no matter the price!" He said angrily.

I felt a pain on my right arm. I screamed in pain as waves of fire burned my arm. "What the hell is happening?!" Shadow said in worry.

"They are taking her out of the trunk, she can feel the pain her body is receiving."

"Amy it's ok!! We're gonna get to you I promise.." Shadow said holding me tight against his body. I nodded as I felt my ankle twist. I screamed in pain again as my vision blurred.

"Amy? Amy!? Hang in there Amy!!" I heard Shadow's voice echo.

My eyes shot open to see a squirrel swing the bat swiftly. It crashed against my stomach. I screamed in pain as another blow hit my back.

'Hurry Shadow...' I said in my thoughts.......


And there you have it!! Intense jealousy 0.0 haha! Well this story is getting a little spicy, and more to come!!! Thanks again for all of your patience!! See ya next chapter!!!!

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