Part 3

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Sam Jacob Peterson

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Sam Jacob Peterson.

For the next week Sam did casual annoying prick moves with me. He would make jokes about me being "loner girl" and would often take my headphones. It was annoying as hell. I will never understand the male gender and their way of flirting. But that wasn't what bugged me the most. I hated that he called me Eve. 

When I was younger my mother came up with the nickname Eve after my first day of Kindergarten. I was terrified of going into school that year, it was different than preschool where we only went in for a half day. So imagine a terrified 5 year old, who only wants to stay home and hang out with mommy. My mother assured me that everything was going to be alright. 

"If you are scared, just pretend that you're not there, then you won't have to be scared."

"How do I do that?"

"Well, let's pretend you're someone else for a day, we will call her, Eve. Eve, my brave little girl."

"I'm Eve?"

"Yes honey, because I know you are brave. You are Eve."

My full name was Evelyn, but ever since that day I started going by Eve. After my parents died and I moved away with Kalel, I couldn't find myself to believe what my mother had told me for years, that I was brave, because I was feeling anything but brave. So I started going by Evelyn again after that.

One day the bell rang after Law, the one class Sam and I had together. He followed like the annoying bastard he is. I opened my locker and was searching for my pre-calc book, and I knew he was standing over top of me, I was simply choosing to ignore him.

"Do you need something?" I finally ask him to make him go away.

"You don't like me do you?" he asks.

"I just find you annoying." I recall.

"In what way?"

"Oh gee I don't know perhaps the constant teasing and that nickname."


"Yeah, that one."

"Why don't you like Eve?"

"I shouldn't have to explain it to you."

"Hey look did I do something to you, because no offense but you've kinda been a bitch to me." he shrugged.

I glared at him, but in a way it hurt to hear him call me that. My face dropped and I felt my stomach sink. I could feel him staring at me, it made me feel overwhelmed. I have no idea why, but I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh shit Eve, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"No you're fine it's just, complicated."

"Wanna tell me?"

Suddenly I was pissed. 

"No." I remarked and walked off pushing past him. What was it with this kid?

Sam didn't talk to me for awhile after that, probably figured I was some freak. I guess I was kinda bitchy to him. I kinda felt guilty, to be completely honest Sam was the first person who ever actually tried to get to know me here. I've only heard a short bit about Sam. Supposedly his mother works all the time for some real estate company and is barely ever home. His father is a drunk ever since he lost his job with the construction company. Sam used to play football, but ever since sophomore year where his grades went downhill he hasn't been able to play. Supposedly now he's a stoner, or so what I've heard. 

Law, the most boring class in the world. Ms. Stan pretty much spends the entire class period talking about how she hates her life since her husband left her for his secretary and spends the other part of class giving us pointless homework that never gets graded. It sucks though because she never teaches us anything yet gives us tests, so you pretty much gotta do your work online to pass the class.

I spend my class period in the back usually with one ear bud in so I can hear Ms. Stan in the other ear cause I find her rants hilarious. I had my eye on Sam, he had a black eye, I had no idea how he got it but I didn't want to ask.

I watched as Ms. Stan motioned Sam over to her desk. I typically always sat by or near the teachers desk in classes, I don't know why but I liked it that way. I watched as she took out a packet, a test I assumed. She pointed to the top of the paper and looked at Sam with disappointment. Sam's face dropped.

"That's your third F Sam." she finally spoke up with.

" Yeah, I know?"

"Sam you're a good kid, and I know you can do better. But, at the rate you're going right now, you're not gonna pass the class unless we come up with a plan for you here."

"This is a required class Mrs. Stan, I need to pass this class to graduate, I don't know what you want from me here, I'm trying my best."

I had a thought, I didn't exactly like it, but it would help Sam.

"Well unless you find out a way to make up the grade I will-"

"I can tutor him, I guess." I spoke up.

"Oh, Evelyn, that's um very kind of you, but are you sure that-?"

Sam look puzzled, confused definitely. I gave him that kind of, I'm saving your ass stare and he caught on. 

"I'm sure, besides tutoring would look good on my transcript."  I smiled.

"Ah, well um Samuel, what do you say?" Ms. Stan asked.

"Uh sure." Sam said with confusion.

Sam came to my locker after class, clearly with questions. 

" Um what gives?' He asks.

"I know it's weird but you don't deserve to fail due to a teachers shitty teaching." 

"Um wow thanks that's so awesome of you Eve."

I smiled. "It's Evelyn to you."

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