Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Andrew paced the porch, waiting to hear the sound of that little red cars wheels on the gravel road leading to Nicole's house. Nicole and his brothers were already gone to the bar and Andrew couldn't hold still and couldn't contain his nervous energy or excitement as he waited for Bethany to show up.

Suddenly he heard the sound he'd been waiting so impatiently to hear and he looked at the setting sun and said a silent thank you. He tried to remember what Ian had told him about not acting too excited but couldn't seem to stop himself from bouncing up and down when the car came into view.

Bethany parked the car and stepped out and Andrew felt his mouth grow dry and his palms grow moist. She had changed into a pair of light colored jeans that hugged her long slender legs tightly and a black tank top that clung to her small chest and narrow waist. Her long brown hair was hanging loose and those curls form this morning were still in it, causing it to fall in waves down her back and across her shoulders.

Andrew stepped off the porch and walked quickly to her. He wanted to kiss her senseless but he could tell that she wasn't ready for that as he practically ran headfirst into the wall she seemed to be keeping around herself.

"I thought you couldn't get any prettier than you were this morning but I was wrong," Andrew whispered

. Bethany blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear and Andrew noticed the diamond earrings she was wearing as they glinted in the reddish orange light from the setting sun, "You look nice too," she replied quietly. Andrew shrugged. He had thrown on a new pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and his boots and hat. He hadn't had anything fancier or nicer to wear.

"Thanks," he said. "So what are we doing?" Andrew didn't really care what they did. They could just stand here and continue to look at one another all night and that would be fine with him.

"Are you hungry? I packed us some food. I thought maybe we could go up to the park before it gets dark and have a picnic."

"Sounds good," Andrew replied. He was glad to spend the time outside with Bethany. Too much time cooped up in the house just made his restlessness that much worse. And she looked real pretty with that sunset light shining on her hair.

Andrew thought back to the shows he had seen on the television since being here and he quickly went to the car and opened the driver door for Bethany. She seemed surprised as she smiled and climbed in. Andrew shut the door gently and then he ran around the front of the car and jumped in the air, sliding across the hood before throwing open the passenger door and jumping in.

"What in the world was that?" Bethany asked with a shocked smile.

"I saw it on a show on that television that Nicole has. I thought it looked like fun and wanted to try it."

"Dukes of Hazzard?" Bethany asked with a smile and Andrew found himself nodding, though he hadn't really heard what she'd said. Her smile was so damn pretty that he couldn't focus on anything other than the way it lit her face.

He saw her cheeks redden as she pushed her hair behind her ear and turned away from him shyly. She started the car and backed out of the driveway and Andrew tapped his fingers on his thighs.

"Is something on your mind?" Bethany asked, noticing his movement. Andrew shook his head and fidgeted with the dolphin air freshener hanging from her rear view mirror, "No, why?" he asked.

She pointed at his hands, "You were tapping your fingers. Most people do that when there is something on their minds."

Bethany frowned when she saw Andrew flush and stick his hands under his legs. "I've always done it," he said, sounding defensive. "My mama always just said I got more energy than one person is suppose to be born with and it makes me move a lot."

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