10 Ways to Fall Out of Love

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10 ways to fall out of love

Chapter 1: introductions, summaries and cake.

Poke. Poke. POKE. I pulled my covers over my head and rolled over trying to get away from the annoying person who is poking me at the moment, who by the way is going to die if they don't let me sleep.


Deep breaths Bella.


Do NOT rip this extremely annoying persons head off.


Ok that's it. I sat up fast and heard a loud thud on my right coming from the floor. The person that is now sitting on my floor is obviously the one who was poking me. Ha-ha, they fell over. Yes I'm aloud to act five. Don't look at me like that.

I peered over the edge of my bed to see who had woken me up at this ungodly hour. (It was only 10 o'clock. Yes that's right only ten!). I looked down to see my mum sitting on the floor rubbing her hip bone.

Who else could it have been? I mean I'm an only child and Dad actually gets the term 'sleeping in' where as mum doesn't.

I laid back down and sighed, "Mum, why did you feel the need to wake me up before noon?" I asked pulling the covers back up and closing my eyes.

I heard mum get up off the floor, but then the room went quiet so I could only assume that she had gone outside and left me to go back to sleep. I smiled to myself and snuggled deeper under the covers.

"BELLA," mum yelled at me, "DON'T YOU DARE GO BACK TO SLEEP!"

I tried to mumble something back but before I could mum pulled the blankets off me causing me to fall onto the floor.

"What the HELL mum?" I asked her from my current position on the floor.

I thought about curling up and going back to sleep there but then thought better of it. She'd probably pour a bucket of water over me like the last time she wanted me to wake up and I didn't get out of bed.

"Bella, I have been trying to wake you up for the past twenty minutes. So don't you dare go back to sleep." she said as I sat up.

I rubbed my head and looked up at her. "Why did you spend twenty minutes waking me up again?" I asked looking around stupidly. What could possibly be so important that my mum woke me up so early on a holiday?

"Oh I forgot to tell you didn't I," my mum said looking at me sheepishly. "We have to pick Cameron and his parents up from the airport." She smiled down at me. "So get up or we will be late."


This sucks.

I can't believe that after I got up, mum says I have exactly half an hour to do my hair, have a shower, get dressed, and have breakfast. We just made it out the door in time. And we live like 1 hour away from the airport so I had to remember my iPod.

I don't know why, but ever since I was little I got car sick and the only thing that could make me feel better was music. So that is why I am currently sitting in the backseat of the car listening to music while my parents bitch about me not being social in the car.

Who the bloody hell needs to be social in the car. Who cares? Oh that's right, my freaky mother does. See that's the thing with my parents. Mum cares about every little thing, while dad just cares about the important stuff. That is why me and dad get along better than me and mum.

I stared out the window as we approached the airport.

I just remembered something; I hate airports. I know what you’re probably thinking; why do you hate airports? What's to hate about them? Well I'll tell you.

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