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"Thank you for your last statement, you and your friends can go home once we check you out" the cop tells me. This cop was a different cop and was way nicer, she tried to be as gentle with me as possible and I really respected that.

She brought me out by everyone and I just felt so tired and exhausted from running from Jeremy, the dinner, the whole day was just horrible in general and I just wanted to go sleep it off, I wanted to just never talk to anyone again and sleep everything away.

The police officer signed us out of the system and let us go home, sad.y we had to call and uber and I needed everything in me to stay awake the whole ride home. Tyler went to his place as Mark, Amy and I made it to our place. I went into the kitchen and got a glass of water before going upstairs into my room and seeing my phone on the bed side table.

I grabbed it and went through the mny missed calls and messages that I'd gotten, then I decided to go to bed. I lid down and closed my eyes, immediatley blacking out and falling asleep quickly.

Star Struck- Tyler X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now