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This was a long day, a long, horrible day. Prydon took his robe off, replacing it with the scarlet scarf he'd not worn in so long. As he adjusted it to fit him, his eyes caught sight of the coat Swift had worn in his first winter,and one in his nineteenth. The one he'd never wear again. Could you bring him back, please?
He shut his eyes, the memory of that first winter Swift has experienced. How excited he was as he plowed through the snow as of completely covered his face, covering his pelt, chasing Prydon around as they played Hunt the Snow Mouse. How covered in snow he was, that he looked almost like Gryphon.
Memories are so much worse in the dark. He opened his eyes again. Gryphon has no sympathy. I rejected him. Prydon shivered.
"You okay?" Sasayaki was picking at her food as he looked at her. Prydon nodded, a lie. "Quite. Still don't feel well?"
Sasayaki shook her head.
Prydon abandoned her to try and regain her apatite, climbing slowly up the stairs to sulk in his room.
But something stopped him.
"Is it fun there?" Esprit, his daughter. She'd been talking to herself to deal with the grief of losing her brother. She was the closest to him. His death affected her the greatest.
Prydon nosed the door open slightly. The blue-gray she-cat was on her bed, staring at something Prydon couldn't see.
"You know I miss you, Swifty."
Prydon smiled at Swift's nickname, which he hated. Esprit giggled. "Sorry, I forgot."
Prydon walked in to the room. "Talking to someone?"
Esprit smiled. "Swift. Could you see him."
Prydon shook his head- there was nobody else in the room beside him and Esprit.
Esprit looked off into space again. "You mean he can't see you? Could you make him see you?" After a few seconds, she smiled happily. "Swift, you're the best brother ever." She seemed to nuzzle thin air, but a figure slowly started to materialise out of thin air.
She wasn't lying.
The figure that stood before him was Swift. Prydon smiled, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Swift?"
"Father?" Swift's eyes twinkled as he struggled to hold tears back.
His son. Swift. Was happy.

Word Count: 376 words

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