Suga Part 2

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I stand the graveyard, holding a white bouquet of roses in my hand as tears decorated the petals. My hands shook with pain as I stared at the engraved stone in front of me. His name repeated in my head over and over, making the walls crumble as tears went from drops to trickles... Soon, to rivers.

"Yoongi.. why." I said shakily as I look at his grave, falling to my knees on the freshly pressed down dirt. I bend down and put my forehead on his stone, sobbing like a wolf losing his life long mate at his feet. I put the roses aside and gripped his gravestone, my tears washing away the rain.

Why didnt I see.. why...

I began to cough in pain, almost gagging myself from choking on the hard lump on my throat. "Please.. tell me this is only a nightmare.. please Yoongi!" I screamed in pain. "I cant lose you.. I cant.."

I feel so stupid for not seeing the pain you were in... I would have changed it all... I would have loved you better, cherished you more than she ever did...

I felt a hand on my shoulder, wincing from its touch. I looked over, only to find Jimins hand holding only my shoulder. I look up at the teary eyed boy, seeing the mirror of pain as much as he sees mine. I sniffled and coughed, slowly standing up as I kept my palm on my temple. I put my roses in front of his stone.

Please.. come back to me... Please, run into my arms again.. let me love you.. let me kiss you again I beg of you..

The team, his family.. almost everyone began to cover his stone with flowers and gifts before we put the candles out. I listen to his mothers sobs while his father held his wife close.

You didnt support his dreams... He always spoke great things of you.. and you gave him no support as he blossomed.

I stayed as people began to leave, my eyes pryed onto the stone while people left. The band members left, knowing I wanted to be alone.

I lost my best friend... My lover... My everything...

Fell back to my knees, feeling like a corpse at deaths knees. I began to pray and beg to god to keep him safe up above. I let the tears of the clouds pour against my cold skin while I begged for death to give back my lover.



We head home after the funeral, silent as death when we walked into our hotel. I sat down in my room while others stayed in the living room.

I know how much Yoongi meant to Tae.. it was like a horror scene when we got the news of his death. Tae was holding onto me while sobbing, begging me in hope that this was only a dream.

Why did you die? Why did you give up so fast?

I exhaled shakily as I felt tears well up in my eyes, biting my lip as my body began to tremble. Dont cry... Please dont cry... I begged my body, but my attempt was useless as I began to sob quietly in my hands. I heard a knock at the door and flinched, sniffling as I got up to see who was wanting to interupt our time of mourning.

I walked over and turned the knob, opening the door to find... Her. (Y/N) was a mess, eyeliner dripping down her face along with her body soaked and shaking like a kitten. She looks up at me with pain in her eyes, feeling my lip begin to quiver along with hers doing the same. I wrapped my arms around her and let her sob against me, trying to be a man and hold back my sobs while tears trailed and dripped from my chin.

I take her in and sit her down on the couch along with the four who began to comfort her.

She swallows a lump deep in her throat and coughed lightly before speaking. "Wheres V?"

"Hes still at the... The graveyard." Jimin said while hope cuddled into his side as comfort. I nodded lightly before I noticed the two envelopes in her hand.

"These were sent from Yoongis apartment." She said softly as she gives one to us.

We all looked at the envelope, its address to her home but with shaky scribbles of "my brothers" was written on it other than our names. Hope gives me the envelope and I stare at it as I hold the last piece of what he held before his death.

We were there for you... We wanted to help, your our brother Suga..

I slowly open the letter, not wanting to rip anything as I opened it. I take out the letter, the paper in my hands as I open the first one. I lick my lips and began to read.

To my brothers for the last time..

Im sorry for the mourning Ive went through.. but I just couldnt take it any longer.
I know you wanted to help, but I pushed you away.. I wish I could have let you all open your arms and helped me.. otherwise this letter would have never been written.
Thank you all for such a wonderful life, you've given me the happy, the fun, the best time a brother could have ever wanted.

Please tell my family I love them, even when they wouldnt support me for my actions as a idol. I always thought of them every day, for they will always the reason to become who I was.

Please tell Taehyung I miss him so, and that if I stayed I would have given us a chance to love eachother in every way possible. He is my world that I wish to cherish, so please protect him for me while Im gone.

Never stop our dream guys, you all are amazing singers and rappers and have done so much in such short years. Please dont forget me. Tell the ARMY I loved them..

And tell (Y/N) I loved her as well.. no matter what shes done to me.

Thank you for such a life.. Ill see you all in the next world to come. I promise.

Love, Min Yoongi.

I stayed there in silence as everyone sobbed, my hands shaking as tears poured down my cheeks. My hands wanted to grip, but I wouldnt let them. I wanted to scream, but of words not of an animal... Though no words were wanting to seep into my lips.

Rest in peace Yoongi.. I hope your protected under gods wing.

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