Taehyung- Love can be murderous. 1

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I ran as fast as I can down the streets, the sounds of sirens snapping at me like a car horn to a startled cat. I jumped over fences and down alleys, begging to god that I would find a place to hide.
I slip through concrete to a small box like area, slipping in before collapsing. I was down at my elbows and knees, sobs choking out from my throat as my hands shake. I kept my eyes shut, scared to see what my hands have become.

Please, god I beg of you, please tell me this is only a nightmare...

I open my eyes a little, looking at my blood stained hands. I felt my heart race as I tried to wipe the stains away, but find my shirt covered in the same blood. I scoot into the hiding spot more and lay my back against the cement, my hands not looking away from the artist's hands of loves dangerous painting... Murder.

~~~~~~Earlier that Day~~~~~~

I sat against the brick wall, drinking down my third beer as people pass by me. I rubbed the back of my neck and closed my eyes, listening to the rowdy town along with the sea underneath my feet. The scowl of puzzlement and anger was painted across my face, the feeling of publics stare was all I felt other than the anger inside of me.

I turn on my phone and look through the photos of my girlfriend... Or.. more like My ex... Making out with another man at a party. After our fight and her dumping me for some pimp, these few weeks have been heavily rough for me. I huffed and grip my phone, wanting to throw it and break it into pieces so I wouldn't be reminded of the mess shes made. I start getting calls suddenly, finding it read the name Namjoon.

I sigh and pick it up. "Hello?" I respond before hearing a sigh of relief. "Tae where the hell have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you!!" Namjoon snapped. "We called you, text you, and you didn't respond to any of them!" Just leave me alone... I listened with a frown and sigh. "I-I'm sorry guys, I'm just... Really out of it right now.." I said as I rub my forehead. He knows I'm not really giving a crap about anything right now, which includes anything that has to do with BTS at the moment. 

I hear Namjoon inhale and exhale through his nose. "... I know that what she did was terrible, but you shouldn't cope with it like that.. it's really unhealthy. Just come back and you and I can talk, just the two of us okay?" 

I lean my head back and frowned, nodding a little. "A..Alright, I-I'll be home in a bit then.. tell everyone I said hi okay?" I asked, hearing his grunt in agreement. I end the call and clicked my tongue, standing up before walking down the disgusting sidewalk. 

People stare ahead of me as I pass by, almost like a ghost I was nothing to them. I pushed through like a barrier, though touched no one as they move aside like a school of fish.

~An Hour Later~ 

Heading down the dead block, I pass by her house. I felt my body's ache to turn my head and look at the building, but I pushed that ache away and pushed forward. My feet wanted to stop, but I kept moving. My lungs suddenly wanted to intake a gulp of air to cry for the millionth time, but I endured it and swallowed that oxygen. 

Until... something glass piercing hits my ear. I wince shutting my eyes when things go white. 

-Flash Back-

I find myself standing in another atmosphere, but didn't open my eyes. It felt so warm, so sweet and so... safe. I finally breached and opened my eyes, seeing myself standing in the familiar warmth of home. I looked around, taking in the warmth of comfort... Until..

"I TOLD YOU BRATS YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO EAT!" A familiar voice snapped. I look over and saw an average woman holding a small boy in her arms, who was crying while the man held an empty bottle of alcohol.

"H-He was starving! I wasn't go-" The woman yelled but stopped when she was yanked away and thrown to the wall by the older man. The small boy began to sob as their father beats his sister, scared to go closer.

My lips part in awe at the sight, slowly my feet go to step back but this memory wouldn't let me. I watched as the man hit the girl to the point she was knocked from conscience, him walking away after what he's finished. Blood now staining the floor, along with her beautiful pale face. The young child tiptoed towards her, falling to his knees as he tried to get her to move.

"S-Sissy move.." He whimpered as I watch him move her shoulder, trying to muffle his crying so he wouldn't get beaten too. From the expression on his face, he was terrified, but his eyes show that this was just one of many of the same situations.

I exhale shakily before falling to my knees, tears pouring down my face as the boy tried to move his sister..... My sister.

Suddenly, everything went silent. Everything went dark except for two spotlights, one over me, and the other on the little boy. I look over to his direction, who was now standing with a frown on his face. He turned towards me, his pale eyes looking in mine as our stories connect with a snap.

Out comes a fearful cry, but it was so faint I barely noticed it. The little child gives me the familiar smile. "Go get her, don't let her hurt like sissy."

-End of Flash Back-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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