twenty one

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"Why are you packing all that stuff Y/N?" Joey asked.

"I'm taking Normani on a picnic that's why." I said.

Finally Normani and I are gonna have some alone time away from everyone else. There's this really nice park down the street and that's where we're gonna have our picnic. My parents are taking everyone else into town so Normani and I won't have to worry about any distractions. Normani's still upstairs getting ready and I'm downstairs chilling with the family. I'm pretty sure Normani is upstairs making sure that she looks perfect but in my eyes she's already perfect.

We were all sitting around in the living room talking then we heard thunder off in the distance.

"Looks like your little picnic isn't gonna happen today bud." Dinah said.

"Don't say that, I am really looking forward to this date with Normani. If the weather can hold off for a few hours I'll be good." I said.

"Welp that's a wish you could've kept to yourself." Joey said.

I looked out the window and it was pouring down raining, well there goes my romantic picnic in the park. Normani came downstairs and she threw the cutest little temper tantrum. "What's the matter baby girl?" I asked.

"Our date is ruined." Normani said sadly.

I got up and kissed Normani on the forehead, "Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Yeah." Normani said.

"We'll give me sometime I promise that everything will be okay. You and I are gonna have an amazing time regardless of what it's doing outside." I said.

Normani sniffled and gave me a hug, I hate seeing my baby girl especially over a date. But I have a back up plan and I'm pretty sure it's gonna make up for the bad weather. I went upstairs and got my laptop, some blankets, my speakers, candles, and my picnic basket. I took all of those things into the pool house and set them all up.

I used the pillows and blankets to make a pallet on the floor. I set up my laptop, projector, and speakers so we could listen to music and watch movies.

Since it had gotten a bit dark outside I figured it would be romantic to use candle light instead of the regular light.

The pool house was the perfect place for Normani and I to have our date. It was a nice quiet place, lots of space, and my dad's artwork added a nice little touch.

While I was looking around making sure that everything was right my dad came in.

"What's up dad?" I asked.

"We were about to head out for a couple of hours and I wanted to see if you wanted to tag along but clearly you have other plans." Dad said.

"Yeah since we can't go outside I decided to bring the picnic inside. And since everyone is gonna be gone we won't have to worry about distractions." I said.

My dad looked at me slowly this sneaky grin spread across his face. "Are you and Normani gonna, you know, do it?" Dad asked.

"No, yes, maybe, I don't know. I just want our first time to be special that's all. Normani's a special girl and I don't want to hurt her." I said.

"Well whatever you decided to do, make sure you use protection." Dad said.

My dad reached into his pocket and pulled out a box of condoms. "You might wanna consider using these." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Son I was your age once before and I know what happens when two horny teenagers have an entire house to themselves. I'm not ready to be a grandparent yet so make sure you use these." Dad said.

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