Chapter 3

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What the hell is she doing here? I almost couldn't believe my eyes, so I discreetly pinched myself just to be sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. First I meet this beautiful and total stranger at the bar with Jake and now she's going to be my roommate?

When Jake and I walked up to my dorm room, he looked at me then back at the room number, let out a slight gasp and looked at me with wide, googly eyes, as if I had just told him a dirty secret or that I was finally in a new relationship. It was strange, considering the fact that he's never taken a major interest in my love life and I'm a socially awkward person that would rather die than date someone ever again. After what happened with Richard, I swore off dating until I was fully healed and more grown up to deal with it, but as time had gone on, I still haven't fully healed and I certainly don't feel mature enough to deal with something as serious as an committed relationship.

Sienna and I made eye contact when she walked in the room with a small box tucked under her arm. I thought she was just going to stay at the entrance and wait for Jake, but she walked to the other side of the room and rested it on the bed and proceeded to take out the contents of the box to unpack them. Crap, I thought to myself, she's my new roommate. I realized that I was going to be living in very close proximity with this really pretty and probably extremely popular girl for the entire year, so I did what any cool, calm and collected person would do. I ran. All the way to Tom's room on the other side of campus.

Tom opened the door to find me out of breath and clutching my knees so hard that my knuckles were white. He brought me inside and sat me down on the rickety chair beside the door, claiming grumpily that I was interrupting his and Lindsey's catch-up time, but I knew he wouldn't be mad for long.

"What's the matter this time Ash? Don't tell me it's your new roommate already giving you troubles."

"Well, yes and no," I replied, still out of breath.

"Good grief Charlie Brown." Tom massaged his temple with his fingers as if he had a massive headache, which was probably because of me. "I'll go kick Lindsey out, give me a second."

"Thanks T."

"Yeah, whatever. Just know I'm slightly mad at you for making me miss out on my Lindsey-time."

"You have all day tomorrow you know. Classes don't start until Monday." I retorted, still out of breath from my lack of exercise.

He stuck out his tongue and made a squinty face that he used to make when we were kids. So juvenile, I thought with an eye roll. But at least he's being considerate.

Ever since day one, he's always been there for me. When I didn't want to go to school in the fourth grade because a kid in Tom's eighth grade class was making fun of me for being adopted, Tom was suspended for a week because he punched the kid and broke his nose. One time when I was in the ninth grade, I had an anxiety attack and fainted during a project I had to present, Tom skipped a test he had the next period because wanted to make sure if I was okay.

"Hey Ashley," I turned to the sound of a familiar voice that I've grown to enjoy hearing.

"Hey Lindsey, how was the trip?"

"Fine, I guess. Long. With too many idiots on the highways."

I laughed, remembering all the times I've been in the car with Lindsey driving, responding with a shrug, "Well, not much you can do about that I guess."

"Yeah. I overheard you're already having roommate problems. Don't worry though, all roommates can be extremely intimidating at first. And besides, if they start doing or saying anything mean to you, they can deal with me."

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