Chapter 4

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Hollis' P.O.V.

I woke up laying in a bed. I had no idea where i was, but then i remembered i was at Eddie's house. I got up and looked at all the pictures on his dresser. I smiled when i saw him and his whole family. It made me think how mine is a mess. Im just going to be announced that im family. My dad never wanted me to be in the media and when my mum died i was young enough to know i was leaving my real family. Soon Eddie walked in.
"Are you okay? You look upset!" Eddie said.
"Im fine. I was just thinking how my family is a mess." I told Eddie setting down the pic of him and his family.
"Why is it a mess?" He asked.
"Well my mum and dad divorced when i was 11. Then my mum died when i was 12. My dad was going to have three children to raise by himself. He sent me to America right after i turned 13. He said it was too hard to raise three children by himself. My grandma was quite upset about it and so was I. I left my best friend. He went to school with my brother and i had the biggest crush on him. I moved in with friends of my mums. A few months ago my dad said i could come back and live with him and my two brothers. Now my dad, grand mum, grand father, brothers, and sister in law are going to do this huge announcement/ sorry thing in a few weeks or months." I said.
"Wow! Im sorry! That sounds like what happened to my friend. I went to school with her brother and we were best friends! I fell in love with her and then she moved. But she was the princess. William's sister." Eddie said hugging me from behind.
"I've just always been worried people are going to leave me or get rid of me. It takes me forever to get close to someone." I replied tearing up.
"Don't worry. I will NEVER leave you." Eddie said kissing my forehead and turning me around to face him.
"Thanks." I replied.
"How do you feel?" Eddie asked.

"I feel a lot better! Thanks! I think it might of been a morning thing!" I said.
"Maybe it was the magical chicken noodle soup!!" Eddie replied.
"Probably!!" I said with a laugh.
"I want you to meet some people."
"Who?" I asked.
"My parents. Not to sound weird! But i think they would really like you and i know they would love to meet you!" Eddie said.
"Eddie," I started.
"I like you!" He said.
"I wasn't going to say no! But i like you to! My brother picked me up from Nando's yesterday and he just kept us from kissing. I would love to meet your parents! When are we going to go?" I asked.
"Now if that's okay!" Eddie replied.
"Well i would like to change first and clean up!"
"I can drop you off at your house!" Eddie said.
"I think im just gonna walk! Its not far from here!! I live a few doors down! You can pick me up though!" I said.
"Are you sure?" Eddie asked.
"Yes!" I said walking out the front door. I called the driver to pick me up. He came and drove to the castle. I went to my room and took a shower, did my make up, put my hair up and got dressed in this:

I had the driver take me to a random house in Eddie's subdivision. I called him and told him to pick me up. He came and picked me up.
"You look amazing!" Eddie said.
"Thank you!" I replied.
"I think my brother's are gonna be there and they might make a joke about us. Its probably going to be Tom and James. When they're together they make jokes." Eddie said.
"Alright!" I replied. It didn't take long to get to Eddie's parents house. Eddie pulled into the driveway and opened my door for me. "Thanks!" I said. We walked inside his parents house.
"Eddie!!!" His mother said running over to him and hugging him. His dad also hugged him.
"Who is this?" His father said.
"This is my friend Hollis Lapan. We just did a Burberry shoot together!" Eddie said.
"Eddie!! You finally got a girlfriend!" Im guessing James said walking out of the kitchen.
"She isn't my girlfriend." Eddie said.
"Than she will be!" James said. Soon Tom appeared.
"So when are you going to ask her out?" Tom said.
"Leave Eddie alone!" His mum said. Eddie's face was turning red.
"Look who's face is turning red!! Marius found his real Cosette!!" James said.
"Lets go to my old room!" Eddie said grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs.
"Don't have too much fun!" James yelled.
"Don't be too loud!" Tom said.
"TOM, JAMES!!!!" His mum said. I giggled. We walked inside Eddie's old bedroom. There was a Les Miserables poster there.
"Sorry about them!" Eddie said sitting on the bed.
"Its fine!" I replied sitting next to him.
"Is my face still red?" He asked.
"A little." I replied.
"You have really pretty eyes." Eddie said looking into my eyes.
"Thanks. I get that a lot." I replied. Soon Eddie and i started to lean in. Soon there was a buzzing on his phone.
"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!" Eddie yelled getting his phone out and answering it. "Hello?" He said. He hung up. "It was my brother." Eddie said.
"Just turn your phone on silent!" I suggested. Eddie turned his phone on silent.
"I know we just met a few days ago but i feel like I've known you forever." Eddie said. We use to be best friends.
"Its not just me!" I said. I had pictures in my room of when we would hang out. Me and Eddie leaned towards each other and kissed. It felt better than the first time! We kissed right before i moved away. It was a good bye thing. But i loved him so it was more to me. We pulled away and looked at each other.
"Wow." Eddie said. My face started to turn red. "Don't be embarrassed!" Eddie said.

"Well i kinda am because your brother is standing right there with his phone." I said. Eddie looked and saw him. Eddie ran towards him and took his phone. He locked the door when he got back inside. Eddie got a picture message on his phone. It was a picture of us kissing.
"Im sorry!" Eddie said.
"Don't be! Well, what does this mean?" I asked.
"Im not sure." Eddie said. "Its kinda early to become a thing."
"Well Marius started dating Cosette as soon as Jean Valjean took him home!" I said. "That was cheese!" I added.
"I guess i should ask you something! Will you go out with me?" Eddie asked.
"Awwww!!" I heard outside the door.
"TOM, JAMES!!!" Eddie yelled. This was going to be a long night!

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