Chapter 14

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Hollis' P.O.V.

Today we are going to look around and Aaron wants to say hello to his family real quick. He was doing that now. He also wanted Aria to meet his family. Kate, Will, and Harry are doing something with the mayor. So it was just me and Eddie.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked.
"I don't care! You choose." I replied. He looked out the window thinking.
"I have a idea!" He said. "Get shoes and a jacket on! Were going somewhere." He added. I got on my combat boots and jean jacket. I had my scarf on already. Eddie grabbed my hand and took me into the streets of New York.
"Do you know where your going?" I asked him.
"I think so!" He replied. There were millions of people walking on the sidewalk and tons of cars in the street. Im claustrophobic so this isn't a good place for me.
"Im getting claustrophobic!" I said as we made our way through the people. Eddie put out his hand.
"I've got you." Eddie said. I grabbed his hand. We kept walking through the people trying not to get recognized. Of course the paparazzi found us.
"Eddie Redmayne?!?!" A few younger girls said. "Can we get a picture?" They asked.
"Sure!" He said. Still holding my hand, he took the picture with the girls and continued walking with me. He turned into this building. There was a empty lobby area.
"What is this?" I asked. Eddie walked to the doors and went inside. I followed him and saw a stage.
"This is a theater!" Eddie said.
"I see that!" I replied. "This is amazing!" I said looking around. "Are we suppose to be in here?" I asked.
"No i don't think so!" Eddie said. We walked onto the stage and looked at all the seats. I heard a door slam and people's voices. Me and Eddie ran back stage and hid in this very small closet. Eddie wrapped his arms around me and held me closer so we would have a little more room.
"What if we don't get out of here?" I whispered.
"We will." Eddie whispered back. "You look beautiful." He added.
"You cant see me." I replied.
"Well if i could you would." He said.
"Thanks! In that case you look handsome!" I whispered. I don't really like just being friends. Me and Eddie just don't work that way. We never have. I wanted time before we got back together and now i want to be together. I don't want to tell him that but even when we were on the plane we fell asleep together. I want know Eddie is kind and would never hurt a fly. He can get angry but everybody does. I've never met a guy so sweet and kind.
"I think they are gone." Eddie said.
"Okay." I replied.
"Lets go!" He replied. We ran out of the studio and back to our hotel. Eddie and i walked inside and sat on the couch. Eddie got a drink out of the fridge. "Im gonna go get some ice." He said taking the ice bucket and walking down the hall. It was about five minutes later and he hasn't come back. I know it doesn't take that long to fill up ice. I walked out of the door and saw Ashlyn kissing Eddie.
"What the heck?!?!" I yelled. Eddie ran away from her and inside our room. I tried running to our room but Eddie got in before i could shut the door. I sat on the bed.
"She started kissing me! I swear." He said.
"I know. I just wanted her to get away from you!" I replied.
"Why is that? Maybe i like her and want to date her!" Eddie said.
"I know you don't. She's a creep." I responded.
"You were jealous!" Eddie said.
"Don't try to turn this into something its not!" I replied.
"You were jealous! You were jealous! You were jealous!" Eddie started to chant.
"Oh just shut up and kiss me." I said. Eddie didn't hesitate to kiss me. He pushed me so i was laying down on the bed without breaking the kiss. He pulled away.
"You know you missed me." He said. I laughed.
"I did!" I replied kissing him again.

Aaron's P.O.V.

I forgave Aria! I brought her to my old house to meet my parents. They really like her and she really liked them. We walked inside the hotel room and the TV was on but nobody was watching it. I looked and saw Hollis', and Eddie's shoes there. Their bedroom door was closed. I quietly opened it and saw them kissing. Im guessing they got back together.
"Awwww! Look at you guys!" I said. They pulled apart. "Its amazing what happens in New York!"

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