1# On my way...

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-Your P.O.V-


'Ugh... stupid alarm it totally doesn't understand my need of beauty sleep' you thought while rolling around in your bed to turn off that destroyer of sleep (lol, I just thought of that) you rubbed your eyes then looked at the clock to see the time which was 5:40am "Damn it's early" you said out a loud to no one particular since you did live alone, you looked up at the ceiling then thought 'may as well get up since I am awake now' so that is what you did.

You may be thinking 'who am I???' well I'll tell you the name is (Y/N) Fujioka, I'm 16 years old (A/N: I'm sorry if your not that age but that is the age you will be in this story, the same goes for Kazuma...),I don't go to school instead I go to work which is at a small but lovely cafe not to far away from me,  I live in an apartment in Ueda by myself since my parents died when I was only 3 years old, anyway  I have an OZ account like everybody in the world (A/N: you will find out more  through the story) and yea that is pretty much me...

 I had a shower, got dressed into my clothes (pic above),  had breakfast and etc. Today I'm going to the Jinnouchi family's house for the summer since my friend named Natsuki, called me the other day telling me that it will be Sensai's a.k.a Granny's  birthday in a few days since I have nothing else to do this summer because the Cafe is closed all summer for construction, anyway I still got to pack my laptop and other stuff  into my bag so I'm going to get that done before it is time for me to leave.

*Timeskip brought to you by my laziness*

I now stand in front of the Jinnouchi family's house looking at it in awe even though I've been here many times before I still cant get over the fact with how big it is *BING* 'I wonder who that could be?'  I have a look and just see it's Natsuki,

Natsuki: Where r u?

You: In front of ur house

 Natsuki: Oh really! well I'm almost there, cant wait to see u

You: U 2

Then you put your phone away deciding whether or not to go inside after awhile you decide to wait for Natsuki since she did say she is almost here, 5 minutes later you hear your name getting called out by the one and only friend you have Natsuki "Hey (Y/N), how are you" she says while waving to you with a smile which you gladly return back "Hi Natsuki, I'm good thanks" she is happy to hear that so she engulfs you in a hug which shocks you because you haven't really been hugged before "How about we go inside everybody will be waiting for us" Natsuki asked you just nodded your head in approval even though your still not sure about being around new people you have yet to meet.

'Well Mum and Dad I'm on my way to meeting new people, please watch over me while I'm doing so'

Well that is my first chapter so far, I hope you enjoyed reading it and I apologize if you didn't, I will try to update as fast as I can.

Love ya, my little monsters xxx

Summer Wars - Kazuma Ikezawa (King Kazma) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now